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1. My dog is ok! Bad news, is her spleen is enlarged, they so far haven't found a tumour but if they do it could be cancerous. It could also rupture which would mean she would die. There is surgery that can fix this but as it's $3000 and she's already old we aren't gonna go ahead with it. But all is not bad as she is home and enjoying the perks of this all (ALLLLL the attention, treats, a toy that's already been chewed up, being tucked in on the couch and loads of cuddles.)

2. So I've been having writer's block with this fic and that's why I haven't been updating. So I'm either putting this on hold for a while or ending it but until further notice don't count on more parts. I love these characters and the storyline I also work on some other Chenford fics but it gets too stressful doing more than one at once. So, that being said goodbye? Maybe? Probably.

3. Ty for all the support and love on this fic, ly all.

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