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Hey, I just wanted to hop on here and say that I'm probably not going to be very active for a bit, I will try to post and I may keep up but idk yet. The reason I'm possibly not going to be active is my dog isn't doing very well. About 40 minutes ago my dad came into my room and told me that she has been taken to the doggy hospital (the vets) I don't know much as I live with my dad and my dog lives with my mum but I do know she's in lots of pain and getting fluids, pain relief and X-rays done. For dogs her breed they typically live for 8-10 years and recently she got to 10 so it's a very high possibility that shes going to pass. To add on she has arthritis and obviously if she's in too much pain we will put her down as she doesn't deserve this. Anyways, I just wanna share this and apologise in advance if I disappear for a bit.

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