Chapter 8

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A/N I know this timeline makes no sense and it probs won't in this whole fic. Sorry!

Lucy's POV
Tim and Genny have been living with Zoe and me for two weeks and tonight is Christmas Eve! I'm super excited to actually spend time with people who care for the first time.

"KIDS!" Zoe calls while we are all lying in my bed on our phones.

We all head downstairs where Zoe waits in a Santa hat with a Christmas apron.

"We have gingerbreads to make." She smiles pointing to the matching hats and aprons.

I laugh and put them on. We spend a few hours making and decorating the gingerbread cookies together which is lots of fun. The kitchen is filled with love and laughter. I love it.

After we finish the gingerbreads Zoe orders pizzas and we watch the Polar Express

"Alright, you three. Off to bed." Zoe says when 10 clicks around.
"It's earlyyyy!" I complain.
"Well, Santa only comes once the children are asleep." Zoe smiles.
"I'm getting presents!?" My face lights off.
"Of course." Zoe nods.
"Now shoo!" She adds, waving her hand.

We all laugh and head upstairs.

"Goodnight," I tell Tim in the hallway, in front of my room.
"Goodnight." He smiles as he hugs me.

We quickly kiss goodnight and then I head into my room where Genny is settling into her mattress on the floor. I'm suddenly exhausted so the minute my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

In the morning I wake up to bodies climbing into my bed.

"Hmm?" I hum confused.

My eyes flutter open and I see Tim smiling at me. I look behind me and see Zoe and Genny smiling as well.

"Morning sleeping beauty. We've been waiting for an hour." Zoe laughs.
"Oh." I laugh as well.

Tim grabs me and pulls me out of bed with him. I quickly wrap my arms and legs around him so I don't fall.

"Come on. I want my damn presents." Tim tells me.

I'm surprised with the amount of gifts and then we open them. Once we have opened them all, Zoe speaks up.

"I also have some news." She tells us.

All three of us look up at her curiously.

"Tim and Genny, if you two would like, I'm willing to foster you two. I would adopt you both but then Tim would be Lucy's sister. Gross." Zoe laughs.
"Really?" Genny asks excitedly.
"Yeah." Zoe smiles.
"We'd love to live here with you two!" Genny grins, hugging Zoe.
"It's done then." She smiles.

Tim grabs me which is obviously becoming a habit of his and brings me into a group hug. That night while Genny is in the shower, Tim and I are making out on my bed when he pulls back. He drops his forehead to mine.

"I love you, Lucy." He whispers.
"Really?" I ask, hopeful.
"Yes. You don't have to say it back but I really do love you." He tells me.
"I love you too." I grin.

He smiles and tackles me down flat onto my bed in a hug.

"I love you," I say again, just because I can.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter.

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