Chapter 19

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Lucy's POV
About a week later Tim and I are in English when I start to feel overwhelmed. I try to stim like usual but it doesn't work. I want Tim but he's in the bathroom. There's too much noise. Suddenly my jeans are really bothering me. The voices start to blend together into mumble-jumble. The lights are too bright. I can't take it anymore. I stand up, grab my bag and rush out of the classroom. I run out of the gates of the school and start walking home while trying to stim.

I'm about mid-way home when I hear a quick chirp of a police siren. I look back and I see two cops getting out of a show.

"Kid stop." The cop orders but I keep walking while crying and hyperventilating.

Suddenly I feel them grab my arms. He forces me to face him but I look anywhere but him not wanting to make eye contact.

"Look at me now young lady." He orders.
"N-no! Let me go!" I sob and try to push them away.

Suddenly the other one grabs his cuffs and roughly pulls my arms behind my back and cuffs me.

"Wha- no! STOP!" I scream and try to get free.

Suddenly one gets their gun and points it at me.

"LAPD. You're under arrest." He tells me.

They shove me over to the shop and shove me in the back while I sob. I'm so scared. I want Tim. I sob and cry while kicking frantically.

"KID. STOP OR I WILL PUT A BULLET THROUGH YOUR BRAIN!" He yells at me and pushes the gun up to my head.

I freeze. I quieten. I'm so scared. I sob.

"Good girl." He smirks.

The whole drive to their station I sob and rock myself frantically trying to calm but I can't.

As we pull into their station I notice it's Mid-Wilshire. Zoe. Wade. 

They both force me out of the car and lead me into the station while I sob. They bring me into processing and it's even for noisey. There are so many lights too. The flashing of the camera.

"Stand in front of the camera." The officer orders me.
"No. Get Captain Anderson here." I tell him shakily.
"How do you know that name?" He asks.
"Just get her," I order.
"Get your mugshot and I will." He tells me.

I don't want to but I know I have to. They take pictures of me. Each time the camera flashes I flinch. They put me in a cell and told me they would go get Zoe. The wait feels like an eternity. I sob, hyperventilate and rock the whole time on the floor. Eventually, I heard Zoe say my name in a shocked tone.

"What happened baby?" She asks as she drops to the ground and hugs me.
"I dunno!" I sob.

She turns to the arresting officer and glares.

"Ma'am she is high. She was avoiding eye contact, doing weird things with her hands and looking suspicious. And she tried to push me away." He shrugged.
"Primm. She's fucking autistic, go see Grey and explain the situation to him. The pair of you. Tell him it was my daughter you idiots arrested." She snaps.

Both men wince and rush off to find Wade.

"Come on baby, let's get you out of here princess," Zoe tells me.

We both gather my stuff and we head home. Once I'm home I get changed into some of Tim's clothes. Zoe and I cuddle up on the couch under the weighted blanket I got recently when I found out deep pressure helped me calm. After a while, Tim and Genny come through the door and spot us.

"Luce! Where did you go?" Tim asks.
"I got arrested," I whisper.
"What!?" They both exclaim making me wince and hide my face a bit.
"She got overwhelmed at school and left, while she was walking home two assholes from my station arrested her thinking she was high since she was having a meltdown. Don't worry those two have been fired and Lucy's record was wiped." Zoe tells them.

Tim climbs onto the couch and cuddles me.

"Big day for you?" He whispers light-heartedly.
"Yeah." I giggle a bit.

A few hours later we are all eating dinner when suddenly I realise something. Tim and I had sex. Without protection. We have also done it twice more since that first night.

"Mum?" I ask.
"Yes, sweetie?" Zoe asks.
"I wanna go on birth control," I tell her confidently.

Tim goes red, Genny fake gags and Zoe chokes on her food.

"I thought you two weren't fucking." Zoe says after a beat.
"Is there a problem if things have changed?" I ask.

Zoe sighs.

"No. I knew this would happen eventually and I'm just glad you're talking to me about it and being responsible. I'll book you into the doctor to get you on the pill." 
"Thanks," I say.
"So you're not a virgin anymore?" Genny asks.
"Nope," I smirk popping the P.
"How did you lose your V-card before me!" Genny whines and I shrug.
"Genny if you wish we can also get you on the pill," Zoe suggests.
"Yeah, sure. Can't hurt to have a precaution." Genny nods.
"Can we move on? I don't want to hear about Genny's sex life." Tim grumbles.
"That's how I feel about Lucy talking about yours!" Genny argues back.
"Give me a break, a gun was held to my head today," I smirk.
"WHAT?" Every yells.
"Did I leave that bit out..?" I wince.

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