Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV
I've been back at school for a full month and every day I crush on Tim Bradford more and more. I've been to some of his football games and he even gave me his hoodie after the game because was cold. I've been living in it at this point and I've been trying to hide it not knowing what Zoe's reaction would be but then I slip up and wear it one morning for breakfast.

"Who's hoodie is that?" She asks narrowing her eyes.
"Oh... Uhm, my friends." I shrug.
"Really." Zoe chuckles.
"Yes, Zoe. A friend." I huff.
"Do you want this 'friend' to be more? Seems like it if you're wearing their hoodie." She shrugs.
"I'm going to have a shower," I tell her and get up.
"Awee! Does my girl have a crush?" She coos after me.
"SHUT UP!" I giggle.

The morning flies by and lunch comes around fairly fast. I head over to our table and take my usual seat and wait patiently for everyone. When they get to the table they're all grinning like idiots and instead of Genny sitting next to me she shoves Tim into the seat.

"My mum saw me in your hoodie this morning. I didn't drop your name but you may want to go into hiding." I laugh.
"You were in my hoodie this morning?" He smirks.
"Uh.. yeah. If you want me to give it back I can." I quickly say.
"Nah it's fine." Tim shrugs.
"Fucking ask dumbass!" Angela growls from the other side of the table making me screw up my face.
"Shut up. Lucy, there is something you could do in return and you could keep the hoodie forever." He tells me freaking me out.
"Are you asking for sex!? Because that's how women get raped when people say they want something in return." I say horrified.
"OMG! GOD NO," Tim exclaims.
"You did say that in a weird way." Nyla shrugs.
"Lucy. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date. I get if you don't want to and I swear to god I won't do anything you don't want." Tim asks.
"A date?" I ask unbelieving.
"Yes. I was thinking mini golf." Tim says with a small smile.
"You want to go on a date with me?" I ask still not processing.
"Yeah." Tim chuckles.
"Lucy! Say yes omg! Last night I walked in on him practising this, he has feelings and I know you do! Hewon't even care if you just go to yours and have dinner with your mum!" Genny tells me.
"Ok, ok, ok. I'll go, but you are not meeting Zoe for a while she might bust open the gun safe!" I exclaim.
"OMG! YES! FINALLY!" Angela exclaims with Genny.
"Shut up. How's tomorrow night? I could take you straight from here to mini golf and drop you home before Zoe is even home." Tim suggests.
"Sure." I nod nervously.

The rest of the day is slow. It's almost like time knows I'm excited to get home and pick a cute outfit for tomorrow and to tell Zoe but eventually it's home time. Tim's been dropping me home as it's on his way home so I shyly say bye to him and as always they wait until I'm inside to drive off. As soon as I get to my room I pick out my outfit and set it out for tomorrow, I do homework and have an everything shower. Finally, I hear Zoe's car pull up outside and I dash out.

"Someones excited to see me." She chuckles.
"I'm going on a date tomorrow!" I grin.
"Wha- really?" She asks as we head inside.
"Yep! With the boy whose hoodie I was in. He's so gorgeous and so funny and super kind. He even let me keep the hoodie." I tell her happily.
"Where are you two going?" Zoe asks me.
"Mini golf. He's going to take me straight from school, take me out and drop me off. We should be back before you're home." I tell her.
"You don't want me to meet him?" She smirks.
"I don't want him dead, no," I answer making her laugh.

The night and the whole of the next day go by very slowly and I'm busting out of my skin excitedly. Once school was over, I met Tim at his truck and suddenly I was nervous.

"You ready to go out?" He smiles gently.
"Yeah." I grin.

He leads me over to the passenger side and opens the door for me, I thank him and climb in. He gets in the driver's side and starts to head off.

"I want you to know this is my first date so I'm probably going to be awkward and weird. I don't know how to do this stuff." I tell Tim.
"That's alright. And I'm honoured I get to take you on your first date." He tells me.

We spend the drive to mini golf talking and laughing lots. At mini golf, we play one round which I somehow manage to win which I give Tim shit for.

"I play football, not golf!" He chuckles as we eat the ice-creams we stop to get on the way back to mine.
"I don't play golf either but I'm just more talented!" I giggle.
"Whatever!" Tim says throwing his hands up.

"This was really nice," I tell him as he walks me to my door.
"Does that mean I scored another date?" He smirks
"Why not?" I smile.

Best first date ever.

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