Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV
Two days after my initial appointment with Emily I was able to get in and be tested for PTSD and now I'm waiting for results. Today I'm going back to school. I wake up at 7 and get ready. I put on one of Tim's hoodies, some baggy jeans and my Converse. I also make sure my AirPods are charged so I have an escape if I need it.

Tim drives us to school and once we arrive we go over to our friends.

"Lucy!" Angela grins and hugs me.
"Hey." I nod.
"Where have you been?" Jackon asks.
"My bed." I shrug.
"Oh... Uhm, how have you been feeling?" He asks awkwardly.
"I don't fucking know." I snap.

Tim's POV
After Lucy snaps she grabs her Airpods, puts them in and leans on my shoulder.

"Is she ok?" Nyla asks softly.
"She ended up on a bridge," Genny whispers.
"What?!" They exclaim.
"She's been having troubles," I tell them.

Then the bell goes and I start walking Lucy to her locker. We both get our books then I walk Lucy to her class, sending her off with a quick peck.

Lucy's POV
For the whole lesson, I just sat there and drew in my book while listening to music. Suddenly the teacher is in front of me. I slip and Airpod out.

"Miss Chen. Headphones off. You haven't been here and now you're not paying attention." The teacher tuts.
"So?" I roll my eyes.
"Miss Chen. Stop right now or you can go to detention at break." She tells me.

I roll my eyes not caring and put my Airpod back in. The teacher starts to yell at me so I just grab my bag and leave the classroom. I know Tim has one of my favourite teachers right now so I go to his classroom.  I knock on the door and go in.

"Lucy! What are you doing here sweetie?" Mrs Grey, Wade's wife asks.
"My teacher was being a bitch." I whisper.
"Woah. That's not like you to swear. Take a seat, you can hang out in here." She smiles softly and leads me into the classroom.
"Where would you like to sit?" She asks.

I just walk over to Tim, drop my bag on the floor and sit on his lap. 

"Uhm. Sure. There works." Luna chuckles. "We are going through the book on his desk. It's pretty advanced so I don't expect you to have read it." She adds.

I grab the book off Tim's desk.

"I read this shit in like middle school." I giggle.
"Oh- uhm great. Let's continue then." Luna chuckles again.

While Luna hands me the worksheet Tim grabs one of my Airpods and puts it in.

"Ooo Tay tay!" He smirks and starts bobbing his head wildly making everyone in the class laugh.

Luna laughs but points to the desk telling us to do the work. Tim and I both work on the sheet and I even help Tim a bit on it.

At the end of class, Luna asks me to stay back. Tim stays back with me and I go up to the front. I hand her the worksheet and she goes over it.

"All these questions are right..." She laughs a bit.
"Show off." Tim jokes.
"Lucy, do you find some of your work in your classes easy?" Luna asks.
"Yeah, most of it. It's also kinda boring but this was fun." I shrug.
"Alright. At break come see me. I want to have a talk with you about possibly moving up a year. If I think you're advanced enough then we will talk to the principal." She nods.
"Seriously?" I ask, unbelieving.
"Yeah. You're already in all AP classes and that's pretty much at the Junior level so if it's still easy maybe we need to move you up." She nods.
"Thank you, Luna." I smile.

Luna scribbles down two notes and hands them over to me.

"Give one to the teacher you're supposed to have and one to Tim's next teacher. You seem to be calm when you're around Tim." Luna tells me. 
"Wade told you what happened didn't he?" I whisper.
"Yeah, sweetie. You should get to class now but if at any point you need some time, you can come here." She tells me.

I nod and Tim and I head over to the class I was supposed to go to, hand in the note and go to Tim's class.

The class goes fine and at break, Tim and I go to Luna. 

There the principal is waiting along with Zoe.

"Hey, smartie pants." Zoe smirks.
"Shush." I smile.

We have a meeting with them and I'm tested and then it's determined I'm going to move up to be a Junior. They tell me to take two days off and once I come back they'll have my classes sorted.

Tim and I say bye to each other and Zoe takes me home. I go to Tim's room and grab his homework and start to study it to make sure I know what they are up to when I go back to school. 

That afternoon after school, we all hang out at the park in the back of Tim's truck just like old times.

"So, Lucy has some news." Tim smiles randomly.
"Oohh! Do share!" Genny smiles.
"I'm now a Junior." I shrug as I lay in Tim's lap.
"WHAT!" Angela exclaims.
"I'm too smart for the lousy sophomores," I smirk.
"Is that why you were in our classes?" Nyla asks.
"No. My period one teacher was a bitch and having a go at me and I just wanted Tim. Plus I'm super close with Mrs Grey. Her husband works with Zoe." I tell them.
"Luna's super nice." Jackson smiles.

We spend a while talking and eventually, we all head our separate ways and head home.

That night before bed I decided I wanted to sleep in Tim's bed.

"No," Zoe says when I ask.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because I said so, Lucy." Zoe sighs.
"Fine," I smirk.

I grab Tim's hand and pull him to my room. We both work on pulling my mattress to the hallway. I quickly set up my bed and we both climb in and cuddle up while Zoe rolls her eyes, walks past us and goes to her room.

I really am smart.

A/N I only just got this part out before my laptop died lolll.

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