Chapter 16

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A/N Sorry for not uploading for a few days.

Lucy's POV

Two days later it's technically my first day of Junior year. Luna pulled some strings and got me into almost all of Tim's classes except Geography.

In the morning we both go to homeroom together and then we head off to period one which is English with Luna. She welcomes me with a smile and then pushes a desk next to Tim for me.

"If you two get too distracted I will have to move you away." She tells us.

Period two we had Biology and I nearly cried laughing when some kid accidentally said "Orgams" instead of "Organisms."

Then we got to go to break where we all hung out per usual. After that, we had study hall where I just read a book while Tim and I lay on a couch. Then we did Math, second break and then the last two periods were the best. First, we had cooking. Tim and I paired up.

"Do we need salt?" Tim asks.
"We are making a cake," I say dumbfounded.
"You use salt in cookies." He shrugs.
"No. We don't need salt, hence it not being in front of us idiot." I laugh while Nyla and Angela who are next to us laugh as well.
"Yes ma'am," Tim says and puts his hands up in surrender.

Our cake is ready but I go to the bathroom, asking Tim to take it out and I head off.

Five minutes later I came back and started talking to Nyla and Angela, knowing Tim had taken it out. Another ten minutes pass before the fire alarms start going off. Everyone panics and looks around and then I finally see the teacher extinguishing Tim and I's oven. Out comes the cake that's now just a piece of charcoal.

"TIM!" I snap.
"Sorry." He winces.

Then in HPE, we are told to run a mile but I'm really not feeling it.

"I so don't wanna do this," I complain to Tim as he warms up.
"You gotta. Sir is sooo strict." Angela sighs.
"I've tried sorry lady problems and he told me he didn't care." Nyla shrugs.
"You just don't know how it's done," I smirk.

I notice Tim getting awkward making me laugh a bit.

"What are you going to do..?" He asks.
"Not run a mile," I tell him and head over to sir while he follows me like a lost puppy.
"Sir I can't run today," I tell him.
"Why not sweetie?" He asks me kindly.

Sooo strict my ass.

"Girl things sir. My cramps were bad so I took an ibuprofen and now I'm sleepy." I tell him partially truthfully.
"I suppose you may sit out." He sighs.
"Could Tim sit with me?" I ask.
"Just this once." The teacher says then I grab Tim's hand and we sit down on the side of the oval.
"You're on your thingy?" Tim asks awkwardly.
"Is that an issue?" I frown.
"No. Of course not. But if I had known I would have looked after you more." He tells me. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He adds.
"Give me your cupcake?" I smile innocently.

Tim gets his cupcake out of his bag, breaks it in half and hands me the larger portion.

"Thanks." I grin.

For the rest of the lesson we get to just sit and talk, I also start getting tired so I take a bit of a nap in Tim's lap.

We head home at the end of the day and when we arrive Zoe is waiting to take me to therapy for my results. Tim is coming with me as usual. We head to Emily's office when we arrive and she shares the results.

"You don't have PTSD. Which confused us to start with so we believe there's something else going on." She tells us.
"Omg. Well, what is it then? You're the person who's tryna fix me!"I snap.
"We are looking into the spectrum. It may not make sense for you but considering your childhood it would be easy to miss the signs of it due to the neglect." She tells us.
"I'm not fucking autistic. I would know if I was." I refuse.
"Well no one can know for sure until you're tested," Emily says. "Lucy, how do you feel right now knowing that you could be autistic." She asks me.
"I don't like it. I don't want to be diagnosed even if I do have it. Everything will change." I frown.

Emily jots down a note and then talks to Zoe about testing me. I turn to Tim and silently beg him for help. He just sighs and hugs me. They decide to test me today and I reluctantly answer the questions and act out what I would do in situations. After all that I get to go home since she will get the results another day. On the way home I just listen to music and stare out the window.

"Luce, would you like to get some Chinese for dinner?" Zoe asks.
"No," I answer.
"What do you want for dinner?" She asks.
"Nothing. As soon as we get home I'm going to bed." I tell her as we pull into the driveway.

I get out of the car and go to Genny and I's room. I see she has a friend over so I just walk out and go to Tim's room wanting to be alone. I sit in his bed and curl up and cry. I'm so confused, I'm tired, I'm crampy and everything is changing. Why does everything also be so good and then it ends in shit? I need to be elsewhere right now. I sniffle as I go back to Genny and I's room. They both stared at me confused while I went through my stuff. I grab out a box and dig through it.

"Lucy, what are you doing?" Genny asks.

TW Thoughts of SH.

I grab my pocket knife.

"ZOE!" Genny calls.

I glare at her then I dash down the hall back to Tim's room. I crawl under his bed with my pocket knife. I hold the cool blade to my arm as I cry silently and hear them looking around for me worriedly.

I want to cut. Then I hear Tim crying as he looks around his room and I freeze.

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