Chapter 10

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A/N Sorry if this chapter sucks.

Lucy's POV
One moment I'm in my room trying to calm myself from a panic attack. The next moment Vanessa is putting her hand over my mouth and ushering me to the window.

"Climb out." She tells me.

She momentarily removes her hand from my mouth so I can climb out and I take the chance to scream for help. It just makes Vanessa more mad and she grabs my arm, pulling me down the tree with her. She shoves me into the back of the car and then we speed off while I try to fight her off.

"Give the bitch the shot." I hear Patrick say.

A moment later I feel something prick my neck and then I pass out.

Who knows how long later I wake up. When my eyes flutter open I instantly recognise where I am. My childhood bedroom.

Then Patrick and Vanessa come into my room with a duffle bag.

"Good morning." She smiles disgustingly.
"Shut up." I snap.

They both laugh and then empty the duffle onto the end of the bed I'm tied to.

I look at the items they've dumped out and I see knives, lighters, a tattoo gun, tape, zip ties and lots more stuff.

"You can get her warmed up, I'll get the tattoo gun set up," Patrick smirks.

Vanessa nods and then greets me with a hard slap to the face. She grabs the lighter and burns my arm with it.

"OW! STOP!" I yell at her but of course, she doesn't listen.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my side and then I pass out.

I don't come to for a long time.

Zoe's POV
Lucy's been missing for 12 hours now. All of her friends went home and Tim and Genny were at the station with me. We have no leads when suddenly Tim and Genny run into roll call waving his phone around.

"ZOE!" He yells and thrusts his phone at me.

I look down and I'm mortified with what I see. It's a picture of Lucy with 'DOD 19/01/24' tattooed onto her ribs, her arms bleeding and she's passed out.

"Someone get a trace on this number," I tell anyone.

Tim's phone is quickly whisked away and we are left nervously waiting in the roll call room.

"CAPTAIN WE FOUND THE ADDRESS!" Percy yells out about half an hour later.

We all rush to the shops. On the way, I tell the kids to stay with Smitty and then once we arrive we run inside determined to get to Lucy.

Lucy's POV
I wake up to a racket.

Suddenly I hear some gunshots and then doors slamming open. I'm terrified. Suddenly the door to my room busts open revealing Zoe, Percy and Wade.

"Mum," I whisper tiredly.

She rushes over and unties me. I crawl into her arms. 

"Let's get you to the RA," Zoe tells me.
"T-tim?" I ask.
"Outside." She answers me as she walks me through the house.

As she carries me through the house on the ground I see both Patrick and Vanessa dead on the ground. I hide my head in Zoe's shoulder.

"LUCY!" I hear Tim's voice.

I turn my head and see him running over. He snatches me from Zoe's arms and I wrap myself around him, finally in my safe place.

That's all I can remember, then I pass back out.

Zoe's POV
I let Tim hold Lucy for a moment until I notice she's passed out.

"Get her over to the RA," I tell Tim.

We get her settled onto the gurney. Wade takes Tim and Genny and I go with Lucy to the hospital. Worried about the amount of blood she's lost from the slashes in her arms.

A/N Another short one :/

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