Chapter 20

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Lucy's POV
A few weeks later we are all hanging out by the pool as it's spring break.

"Sooo... My mum is out of town tonight. Wanna have a party at mine? Just us? Damian said he's happy to get us drinks." Angela smirks.

Everyone agrees but Tim and I look at each other.

"I dunno. Zoe is chill but I don't think she wants us to go to parties." I tell them.
"Come on! She won't know. Plus, you two have windows we can sneak out of." Genny tells us.

I think for a moment before throwing my hands up.

"Screw it, I'm in," I tell her.

Tim sighs but agrees too. Zoe comes back out to get in the pool so we all hush and get in the pool. I've been doing better at swimming and now I can swim from one end to the other but I can't really hold myself up so I hang onto Tim. That afternoon everyone heads off home with the promise to meet at the party. 

We go about our night as normal but half an hour after Zoe goes to bed Genny comes into my room all dressed up and ready. I grin and we both climb out of my window and knock on Tim's. He climbs out of his window and we all climb down the tree next to the roof. We all run to Tim's truck and he drives us over to Angela's while we giggle.

We are the last ones there so we are greeted with beers. I'm a bit hesitant at first but I decide to screw it. Maybe the alcohol will get rid of the bad feelings in me.

We play games, gossip, dance, mess around and drink lots. Soon Genny and I are completely hammered but Tim has only had one beer so he can drive us home. While Tim is driving us home I feel really guilty but then Genny and I start giggling over nothing and the guilt disappears.

Tim parks his car back where it was last night and then helps Genny and me out of the car. He's trying to figure out how to get us both back upstairs when Zoe opens the door.

"Come on." She orders.

Genny and I stop giggling and sober up fast. We all walk inside with shy looks on our faces.

"On the couch," Zoe tells us and we all listen.
"Tim. How many drinks did you have," Zoe asks.
"One. I didn't want to be a risk to other drivers." He answers.
"How much did these two have?" She asks.
"I'm sorry." I sniffle as I start to cry.
"Why girls?" Zoe asks.
"I wanted to have some fun as these are the golden years right?" Genny asks.
"Cause it felt good after I started. No more bad thoughts. Poof. Gone." I whisper.
"Oh, sweetie." Zoe sighs.
"I'm sorry." I sniffle.
"It's ok. But that doesn't mean no punishments. Tim, you are to give your keys to me after dark for two weeks, girls you two are to write a 500-word essay about understanding you did the wrong thing you must convince me you're sorry and won't do it again unless it's supervised by me which will be rare. Along with that you two also aren't allowed out after dark. Fair?" Zoe asks.
"Yes." We all agree.
"Alright, girls lots of water and off to bed," Zoe tells us before going upstairs to her room.

It's safe to say that morning if we weren't already convinced drinking sucks we were convinced when we both puked for hours.

A/N Sorry this is a short part. I'll make it up to you... with angst.

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