Chapter 7

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A/N im gonna be away for the next few days and I'll try to post but I may not, sorry!

Lucy's POV
That weekend, we were all hanging out at our usual spot in the back of Tim's truck. Eventually, everyone had to head home. Zoe was still at work due to some incident so Tim offered to take me over to his which I happily agreed, since it meant more time with him. When we arrived we all went inside and to the lounge room where we all got comfy and Tim turned on the football. Halfway through the game we hear a car pull up and I can feel Tim tense under me but I think nothing of it.

The man stumbles into the house.

"Who the fuck is this?" The man slurs.
"This is Tim's girlfriend Lucy! She's cute huh?" Genny smiles.
"Boy, you know you're not allowed your sluts here." The man snaps making my heart crush.
"She's not a slut Dad! She's not like that!" Tim snaps back, standing up.
"Don't you yell at me?" Mr Bradford yells back making me flinch.

I'm terrified right now. Why didn't Tim tell me his dad was like this? Does Tim get hit? What about Genny?

"Genny, take Lucy outside," Tim tells his sister.
"No." I answer stubbornly.
"Bitch get out of my house." Tim's father tells me.
"Genny, let's go to your room," I tell Genny and then usher her around the corner.
"Lucy, you should go." Genny whispers as I grab my phone out and point it around the corner to catch Tim and his father yelling.
"No Genny. Get your phone out. Call 911." I tell her.
"Why? Nothing illegal has happened." Genny says.

But then I see Tim get hit.

"Call 911," I tell her.

She quickly calls and I put the phone up to my ear.

When the operator answers, I ask them to send my mum out, an RA and some units.

Genny and I wait quietly until finally, we hear sirens outside.

"Your bitch of a girlfriend called the cops." Mr Bradford yells then shoves Tim to the ground and starts storming towards us.

I quickly hand my phone to Genny then he turns the corner, grabs me by the shirt and starts leading me to the living room where Tim is trying to get up. I'm terrified. Suddenly the door busts open. Mr Bradford punches me quickly and shoves me down, making me land next to Tim. I pull Tim to me as we both cry on the ground. I can hear in the background Tim's dad getting arrested and then I hear Zoe.

"He's gone now kiddos." She says, sitting down next to us.
"Genny," I whisper.

Then Genny runs over and sits down next to Tim and I.

"Hi. Lucy recorded the whole thing." Genny says handing my phone to Zoe.
"Good girl." Zoe smiles.
"Can we go?" Tim sniffles.
"We need to get you checked out by the RA and then we will head home," Zoe says.
"Home?" Genny and Tim ask.
"Yeah. I don't care, you two are coming home with Luce and I. I'll check the systems if there is anyone who can take you two in but if not we will figure something else out." Zoe tells us.

"Thank you," Genny says, tears falling down her cheeks.

Tim and I get looked over by the RA's and once cleared Tim and Genny pack a bag each and we head home.

When we get home I go straight to my room, trying to hold back the panic in me. I could have died. Tim could have. Tim has been getting hurt. And Genny.

Tim's POV
As soon as we get to Zoe and Lucy's, Lucy goes straight upstairs.

"She does that a lot." Zoe sighs.
"Is she ok?" I ask.
"Maybe. But it's possible she got triggered. I should go up and check on her." Zoe tells us as we dump our bags on the ground of the nice house.
"Could I?" I question.
"Sure." Zoe nods.

I head upstairs and knock on Lucy's door. When I get no response I go in anyway. When I walk in I see Lucy curled up in her bed, struggling to breathe.


I rush over, climb into bed and pull her into my arms.

"It's ok. I'm here. Shhh." I say softly as I hold her tightly.
"S-scary." Lucy sobs.
"I know baby. It's all over now." I tell her, starting to cry as well.
"Follow my breathing," I tell Lucy and start exaggerating my breath so she can copy.

Lucy eventually relaxes in my arms. I look down and see she's fallen asleep.

"Are you two ok?" Zoe asks from the door, Genny standing next to her.
"She had a panic attack." I frown.

Genny walks into Lucy's room and climbs into bed, wrapping herself around the other side of Lucy.

"Ok. Also, you will be staying in the guest room for now and the girls will share in here." Zoe tells me after sitting on the end of the bed.
"Why can't these two share? Wouldn't that be a better move?" Genny asks.
"You want me to leave my daughter's boyfriend alone with her every night? Not a chance." Zoe scoffs.
"Right." Genny giggles.
"Could I stay with her tonight?" I ask Zoe.
"Sure. The door stays open." Zoe tells us the heads out.

At this time it's around 8:30 so Genny and I just go to sleep, curled up with Lucy.

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