Intro; just a quick roundup

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Hey there! Welcome to my story and an extra large welcome if you're new here, I'm delighted to have you :D! I aim to entertain and brighten people's day with my works and to also show people that everyone can do a special something that they enjoy, even if others deter you, it isn't impossible (no pun intended 😂).

My name (as I'm sure many of you already know), is Ruby and my pronouns are She/They but I really don't mind if you get it wrong because that's part of learning and I won't be mad if you do so please don't worry!!

Also, I'm really sorry if my mission impossible 6 book, Desperate times desperate measures wasn't as good as the previous one it's because whilst I was writing it, I was going through some really rough personal/private things. I'm going to do my upmost to make this book shine and dazzle with the writing talent I know I have (or at least, I like to think I do 😂😅!) Yeah, I know that I've written these in a really weird order starting with 5 then 6 and now 4 but it's because when I first wrote the book for 5, that was the only mission impossible movie I'd seen at the time whereas now I've seen them all apart from 1 & 2 at the time of writing this. I am going to try and link it in so it works well coming before the fifth book but if I get anything wrong or don't directly quote/ or anything like that from the 5th, I apologise. It's a big task writing these books as sometimes they can take anywhere between 2 - 5 months to complete based off writing motivation, time and movie scenes etc but i do it anyway because I enjoy it and it makes me happy and because, I'm hoping it will make others happy too. There's nothing more rewarding than knowing you've made someone else's day better just by writing a simple piece which made them feel good/ intrigued.

And the same goes for my grammar, usually I'm okay at spelling and stuff but if there's any typos or anything like that, again I apologise and I'll try to fix it but please don't be rude about it as that's not fair (I know that many of you won't though so I thank you for that 🙂).

If I see any bullying, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism or anything unacceptable like that, you will immediately be blocked, reported and your comment will be removed either by me or by higher powers. So please don't do it, there is no excuse for rudeness/bullying.

And on that note, I don't think there's much else to say here other than please be patient because as I've said, these books take a long time to do. Again, I thank you all.

Thank you all so much for your support and appreciation it makes a world of difference! If you like my story or have read my other works and you like them, maybe consider giving me a follow to help me out? No pressure or worries if not though, that's absolutely fine too.

Now, on with the story! :D

Frog, A.k.a Ruby x

P.S. I am aware that the cover of this book doesn't really fit with the others but I thought it looked a little, classier and a little more interesting, no? Let me know what you think. It's time for me to stop waffling now, lol 😅

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