02 ~ Ethan

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IT WASN'T EXACTLY MY plan to cause chaos and allow riots to break out in prison but then again, nothing goes to plan the first time. It's as they say, second times the charm, right? I however, remained calm as could be, continuing to throw a small rounded pebble at the murky brick walls encasing me. No point getting het up over things you can't control. The shouting of orders soon became drowned out by an old, 70's song. One which I happened to know quite well. As the music slowly grew louder, I pulled myself up off the bed and made sure to place the pebble back in the gap in the wall before wondering out of my open cell door only to be met with a clear, corridor. Probably because I was on the prison's fourth floor (and also the newest) which meant I had to descend to the lower levels. Grabbing the railing, I jumped down into the third floor, below. As I did such, a door opened at the end of the hallway and I began to walk toward it but stopped abruptly, thinking of my only friend in this prison who'd so generously risked his life by supplying me with information that could of gotten him killed. I couldn't just leave him in here. Having made my mind up, I turned around and headed back for the door leading past the guard's chambers. I signalled to the security camera to open the door since I knew Benji was behind it. Nothing happened so I signalled again, a frown deepening on my face to express my evident concern and frustration. Again, absolutely nothing. I blew out a breath and leant against the railing, staring angrily up at the camera, occasionally glancing sideways at the guards to give them a mock, sympathetic smile whilst they panicked and shouted at being locked into their quarters.

It was only once I balled up my fist and raised it in warning that the door swung open. I sarcastically blew a kiss to Benji, my anger dissipating slightly as I continued on my way. I signalled again once I reached another door. This time however, he didn't hesitate to open it. I was careful to slam it shut so the guards couldn't peruse. I fought my way through the corridor, dodging fists, guard's batons and kicks, whilst also maintaining my own defensive streak by throwing the occasional punch to deter the men. I arrived outside his cell door and like before, it immediately opened. I backed off a considerable amount though when a large, heavily built man sauntered out and invaded my personal space. I stared him down and once he'd obviously assessed that I was of no threat to him, he moved aside and allowed me to enter whilst he went off to join the corridor battle.

"Bogdan? Bogdan!" I called, scanning the cell in search of my newfound friend. Eventually, his head popped up from behind a bed; his face pale from fear.

"Sergei?" He questioned, confused as to what I was doing. Of course I'd had to use a fake name for the purpose of my security and the IMF's.

"Пора идти!" I said, gesturing him forward. I'm not overly fluent in Russian but I know enough to get by and translate certain things. What I'd said to him roughly equated to: Time to go!

"Сейчас?" He squeaked. I nodded.

"Да, сейчас." I replied which translates to: yes, now. I grabbed his shirt collar and hauled him into the corridor behind me, pushing our way past and throwing punches to deter aggressors. I lost him very briefly before I found him crawling across the floor toward the door. Pulling him up, I dragged the pair of us over and signalled for the door to open. It did such as I shoved Bogdan inside before slamming the door shut behind us.

"SERGEI !" He yelled in warning as I spun round to see an armed guard with a plastic shield heading for me. I grabbed the shield and threw it down the stairs before twisting his arm to the left to break his firm grip on me. It didn't take long for me to render him unconscious so we could escape. More armed guards streamed through and everything got louder.

"OPEN ALL OF THEM!" I shouted up at the camera. Every door was immediately opened much to my relief. Furniture and other things engulfed in flames were thrown down from the upper levels but neither of us stopped to gawp at it. Running as fast as we were able, we made it to the door at the end of the hall and jogged down a flight of stairs till we ended up in a small, basement like room which smelt of damp and looked old and rundown.

"О боже!!" Bogdan repeated in fear. "Sergei! Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что в этом плане есть что-то еще!!" He grovelled. Roughly translated, it meant: oh God! Sergei please tell me there's more to this plan!

I hushed him and the song ended. Right on cue, a high pitched buzz filled the room, making it shake a little, dislodging dust and plaster. I pulled Bogdan aside as a hole emerged in the floor. No sooner had I pulled him back, a firm black rope shot up and lodged itself into the ceiling; little silver clips and handholds dotted here and there for ease. I grabbed onto the clip and pulled it tight before winding it round my foot to create some slack. I then passed it to Bogdan to signal for him to go first. He looked back at me in shock like I'd just run over his pet.

Eventually, I managed to convince him to go but not without him screaming the whole way down (even though it wasn't that far). I followed suite, landing with a small thud.

"Пошли." I said to Bogdan, waving him forward. Translated it means: Let's go.

A tall, brunette woman packed up the equipment and appeared dutifully at my side, giving me a brief smile and a small nod. "Agent Hunt?" She half stated, half questioned. I nodded.

"Yes. And you are?" I asked her.

"Agent Carter." The lady replied.

"Okay." I said, drawing a shaky breath from all of the running I'd previously had to endure. As efficiently as I could, I started to 'jog' toward where Bogdan had gone.

"Who's your pal?" She called, running to catch up.

"I'll tell you on the way!" I replied as I disappeared behind the corner wall, in a desperate attempt to find the sewer's exit hatch. "Oh and Carter? One more thing!" I called back.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Light the fuse!" I ordered. She complied and struck up a match, lighting the carefully placed fuse wire along the wall to the right of us.

*Mission impossible theme plays 🎶*

Word Count: 1154

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