01 ~ The Hanaways

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THE PAIR OF US were halfway across the roof and beyond before the rusty door slammed into the wall, shattering its hinges in all their entirety. A brief glance over my shoulder confirmed them to be that of pursuers of whom, seemed to be dedicated to killing us seeing as they were all so relentless. Adrenaline began to course through me but the only thing that was able to show was the knot of panic, prominently asserting itself with my raggedy breaths and wide, blue eyes. It perhaps didn't help that gunfire now rung out but from which side, I couldn't tell. A strong hand wrapped round my arm, pulling me backwards, which told me the firing was from their side. As they got closer and closer to us and the distance began to rapidly close, his grip became tighter and I could see why as without warning, we plummeted to the ground, still firing shots might I add for some heroic reason. I braced myself for the smash of my face on the pavement below, but strangely it never came. With further inspection however, this turned out to be because of some giant inflatable that had softened the landing, presumably from my Father's backpack.

I opened my mouth to question him about it but another man dressed all in black came sprinting round the corner, aiming at gun at us. Before either of us could say anything, he was dead, leaving Dad to tuck away his gun into his belt. Both of us then scrambled upwards, dusted ourselves off and took off down the street to avoid any further threats.

"What, was that?" I asked in disbelief and partly sarcasm.

"Oh that? That's just a little of what I like to call, magic." He grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"One that just so happens to nearly get us killed." I muttered.

"Sorry? Didn't catch that." He said, still smirking.

"Oh nothing don't worry." I smiled sweetly.

"Seems I taught you well." He chuckled, tucking the files we'd been sent to collect safely into his satchel, as we rounded the corner into a graffitied alleyway.

A tall, slender woman wearing a grey trench coat and sleek black heels walked toward us, on the other side. As per manners, we smiled and gave her a brisk nod in acknowledgment when we passed. It was then that my Father's phone beeped. He paused briefly before looking up and then to me, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Neither one of us had the chance to comment on it further as the woman fired a pistol which hit her target directly; three times. And her target being? My Father.

He groaned in pain as he slowly slumped to the floor, the woman striding the remaining distance between us and her to lean in closer to my Father, his head lolling forward to rest on her shoulder as she took his satchel before shooting him again in the gut. So far she'd ignored me but as she stood up and readjusted her purse and coat, she gave me a sickening smile.

"Сладких снов, дорогая." She cooed before sauntering off, her black heels clicking on the cobbled floor. I didn't speak much Russian and by far was I fluent but I understood it to roughly mean: Sweet dreams, darling.

Horrified, I stared at what she had done and the remnants of my now unclear existence...

Word Count: 604

A/N: Apologies if my Russian there was wrong. I don't speak Russian I just wanted to include it since some of the movie is set in Russia etc. :)

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