End & Author's Notes

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Hi! Thanks for reading my story! It took months to write this so I really hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it. It's always really fun to create new characters and entwine them with the movie plots as it makes it more exciting and fresh if you know what I mean. As I've explained, I know I wrote these in a really weird order so I apologise for that.

I'm currently studying for my GCSE's which as I'm sure you've gathered, involves rather a lot of coursework, homework & prep work meaning that I don't always have as much free time as I'd like to so that's why this took ages to write and other works will too for the foreseeable future. I apologise about this and I'll try to write when I'm able to but again, I can't do much about it. Occasionally, I'll be active on my alternate account OreoBradshaw working on various fan fics and stuff (but again, only when i can) so maybe go check that out and consider giving me a follow so you'll be notified on my works/new releases.

Here's some extra info about me as a person. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day/night :)

Stuff about me :)

Brief summary: Hi, I'm Ruby my pronouns are She/They, I am British and really enjoy writing. I have 2 cocker spaniels and a younger brother. I love to travel and have a passion for aviation, animals & writing stories. I'm currently studying for my GCSE's and hope to go on to become a vet/pilot.

Interesting stuff?

I'm a lesbian asexual. 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍👩

I like food (especially chicken korma, spaghetti and meatballs and anything sweet 😋)

I tend to run off coffee but I do also drink tea and occasionally hot chocolate if it's been a rough day. ☕️

Favourite song: I listen to too many to count but I'm absolutely open for recommendations if y'all have any? :) 🎶 (No offensive language in them tho)

Series/Movies I'm currently watching (at the time of writing this) 🎬🍿

BBC Merlin ~ BBC iPlayer
Brooklyn 99 ~ Netflix
The Maze Runner movie ~ Netflix
The office ~ Netflix

Introvert or extrovert ~ Introvert as I don't always like socialising with people for varying reasons but I can be somewhat of an ambivert (cross between both) when you get to know me as a friend. 🙂

Favourite subject ~ History because it's fun and I enjoy it. 📚📖🔍

Favourite colour ~ Don't have one because it's kinda a cliché question but I quite like teal/forest green if that counts 🤷‍♀️

Best book I've read so far ~ Falling Hard for the royal guard by Meghan Clawson. It's just AMAZING. Can't recommend enough 🤩 (there's a few other honourable mentions too)

Fourth wing 🪽 ~ Rebecca Yarros
Heartless ~ Marissa Meyer
A court of thorns & roses ~ Sarah J. Maas
One enchanted evening ~ Anton du Beke

Most watched/loved movie: Top Gun maverick/ mission impossible rouge nation they're just *chef's kiss 🤌* 🎬🍿

Special talents/skills: I can bake, write stories & I used to do horse riding 🏇. ✍️🍪 I'm also kinda hypersensitive and can/often do notice small details & changes that others maybe haven't picked up on yet :]

And yeah, that's all I can think of that's worth mentioning here! Have a great day/night I hope you enjoyed my story and that it was able to bring you joy or make you happy in some way or another :D

Bye 👋🏻 Xx :)

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