16 ~ Miles

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I'D GROWN INCREDIBLY tired of listening to Brandt's protests. It wasn't my fault the virus was downloaded and messed with the fan, ultimately destroying the rover and endangering him. Sometimes it's just a bad day and the universe just doesn't give one. And at this present moment, neither did I. The shouting and arguing had bored me so I bolted at the first opportunity I saw that I was able to grab.

"Next time, I get to seduce the rich guy." Brandt gasped, clearly trying to catch his breath from something. I rolled my eyes.

"I'd love to see you try." I remarked, as I skidded outside to see a chauffeur opening the car door for Dad & Jane. Conveniently, he was putting some bags in the back so I ran over to the car and carefully slid in; hiding myself amongst the bags in the footwell so that they wouldn't suspect a thing.

"Have a nice drive, Sir, Ma'am." The chauffeur offered with a polite smile and a small nod. His eyes suddenly widened as they settled on me; crumpled navy blue and black suit, scruffy hair & my favourite pair of converse shoes that I'd somehow managed to get muddy. Perhaps not my finest look, I have to say. I placed a finger to my lips surprisingly gaining a nod from the poor man. He slammed the door shut and jogged away; obviously a little freaked out. Dad ripped off his bow tie and pawed at his starched, white collar shortly accompanied by the sound of fabric tearing which I assumed to be Jane destroying her fancy, blue dress. The car lurched forward, gaining more speed once we were on what I assumed to be the main road.

"Benji, how long until Hendricks can launch a missile?" Dad asked flatly into the dashboard's display.

"Less than thirty seconds!!" Benji replied; the panic obvious in his voice.

"Reconfigure! Find us another route!" Dad ordered sternly. Unsurprisingly Jane being the tech genius she was, it took her less than .5 seconds to comply with his instructions.

"Go left up ahead. Take the first alley on the right." She said; the last few words being drowned out by the engine's revving.

"Ethan, Hendricks has started the launch sequence!!" Benji flapped.

"How long until missiles are in the air?!" Dad replied abruptly.

"Three minutes!" He shouted. We swerved to avoid something, slowing us down briefly and causing widespread annoyance from both adults.

"We're three and a half minutes out!" She sniped.

"Well-" Was all Dad managed to say before I interrupted and graced the pair with my rather admirable presence.

"Hello!" I exclaimed, popping up from the back seat footwell. I rather hoped it was comical like I'd once seen both the 11th doctor & Jake Peralta do multiple times in their respective shows. Both jumped but it was Jane who pulled a gun on me presumably because she had both hands free as opposed to Dad who had both hands (thankfully) on the wheel. That didn't stop him from having a face halfway between thunder & a shit eating grin though. Putting both hands up, I smirked. "Drop the gun Jane, it's only your most favourite person ever. If you shoot, I guarantee you'll live to regret it." I drawled. Her eyes narrowed and she lowered the pistol slowly, eventually putting it back in its holder against her waist; discreetly covered by the edge of her black top.

"I trust you've a good reason for being here Miles?" She half asked, half stated coldly. "I thought you were with Brandt & Benji back at the party."

"Oh that I was before I got bored of their bickering and decided to get amongst the real action." I tapped back, rubbing my hands together with glee and smugness.

"Miles you scared the shit out of both of us!" Dad snapped.

"Well if your team didn't pppftt-" I stopped to blow a wayward strand of hair out of my eyes. "Argue so much then I wouldn't have-" it flopped back down into my eyes again but not before I caught a glimpse of Jane laughing. I shot her an icy glare before finishing my sentence. "Come all this way to find y'all."

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