05 ~ Benji

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MILITARY PERSONAL IN VARYING shades of navy blue and black uniforms laced with gold and silver paraded through the courtyard, armed with rifles over their shoulders. Sort of similar to that of the King's guards back in London really. I trailed behind Ethan, trying to keep in step with him however my attention was drawn to a young, dark haired woman of whom, released a red balloon from her grasp and watched curiously as it rose up into the clear, blue sky. Jane. That was our key to this operation. Whilst that balloon may look normal, it actually contained a computer virus that would hack the system and allow our disguises to match the security profiles stored in the system. I tore my gaze away from her and focussed on the assigned role I'd been given. Second in command to General Antolov.

"This is very exciting." I whispered to Ethan or 'fake general' for this mission's purposes.

"Agreed." Miles joined in from beside me, looking considerably shorter than Hanaway's daughter.

"Maybe that's because you're too much of a baby to have actually done this stuff before. Bet you're out before you even get in there." Jasmine teased from Ethan's side. Since he'd met her, he'd made it his responsibility to keep her close and look after her since the late Agent Hanaway had been his best friend.

"Alright, bets on! How much?" Miles retorted.

"Fifteen dollars." Jasmine smirked.

"Done." Miles replied. Jasmine gave a brisk nod in response and fixed her attention ahead.

"Being out in the field, with you it's great; you know?" I desperately tried to contain my excitement but alas, I wasn't managing too well. "It's a bit of a dream. For me." I added.

"You're not alone Benji." Miles agreed.

"Thank you I'm glad someone agrees." I said.

"You two are so alike, the resemblance is unreal." Jasmine remarked.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment, so thank you." Miles replied, sweetly.

"Thank you, Jasmine." I smiled. "Oh and by the way, I love your disguise. You look just like him." I said in hushed tones to Ethan. He nudged me hard in the ribs and glared icily.

"Sorry. I'm anxious. I waffle when I'm nervous." I apologised.

"Tell me something I didn't already know." Miles muttered. I chose to ignore it. I took a deep breath as we entered the Kremlin, only glancing beside me once to check that Miles was still there and safe. Ethan did the same. Immediately upon stepping into the building, salutes and attention stances were directed at us as we made our way toward the security counter.

"Okay. Seven security guards, X- ray machines, camera and metal detectors. Just what we expected. Should be a breeze." I mumbled, more to myself than to any of the others since they all seemed so very confident it would work. I on the other hand, was a little more cautious.

"Releasing in 3... 2.... 1...." Jane's voice resounded over our earpieces, informing us that she'd planted the computer virus.

"Okay, okay we can do this. Game face, game face. Kremlin game face." I expanded on my previous statement. We continued walking past the little security desk until a guard's voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Генерал, я майор Егоров." He spoke. From the translator I'd linked to my earpiece since I didn't speak Russian, it meant: General, I am Major Egorov. "Ваши документы, пожалуйста." Translated it means: Your documents, please.

We stepped closer to the Major at the desk at glared down at him; Miles and Jasmine hovering behind us.

"Ты должен знать своего начальника." Ethan replied, coldly. My translator picked it up; You should know your boss. Ethan passed his identity card forward; Egorov gingerly taking it to scan, giving us a healthy dose of side eye whilst doing such. I pulled my phone out of my pocket which showed the virus download to be on 80%. I looked at Ethan who nodded. The scanning machine beeped loudly.

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