04 ~ Miles

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JUMPING OUT OF THE van, I followed my Father over to the small, glass phone box by the grey brick wall. Nobody was around other than a few passers-by who were walking in the opposite direction. Dad picked up the phone and the console opened, allowing him to place his face nearer the screen which confirmed his identity via a retinal scan. Annoying but necessary.

"Welcome back Mr Hunt." A male voice greeted. Despite Dad being the one who held the phone, I could still faintly hear what was being said since I was right next to him and had pretty decent hearing. "In your absence, the IMF has learned that Cobalt is or was a level 1 nuclear strategist for Russian intelligence. Therefore, the only way to uncover his true identity is to infiltrate the Kremlin itself." I blew out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

"Wicked!" I grinned. Dad shot me a look that translated to shut up, I'm concentrating.

"In order to pass the checkpoints, you'll be impersonating General Anatoly Fedorov. We believe that Cobalt will do everything he possibly can to destroy any record of his identity. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to penetrate the highly secured archive room inside the Kremlin and retrieve Cobalt's file before he can destroy it. New intel suggests that Cobalt is already en route, leaving you 4 hours and 52 minutes to infiltrate. To save time, we've chosen your team for you. Agents Carter & Dunn." There was a slight pause as Dad turned to look at the van where Benji was half hanging out of the window and this new 'Jane' lady was leaning up against the side of it, just beside Jasmine who was curiously poking her head out from inside the van, not quite willing to get out incase something happened but what, I couldn't say.

The man on the phone continued to recite something to Dad; my ears pricking up when I heard my name. "We've also heard that your son is at times, involved with these missions. Whilst we will not enforce any supposed actions, we strongly advise you leave him out of this one and in the trusted hands of a family member or childminder." This annoyed me as I hated being lied to and left out of things; treated like a young child with no clue about the world. I wasn't a baby and I am allowed to make my own decisions in life. That's a right of passage, no?

"As always, should any member of your team get caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds. Good luck Ethan." And with that, the speaker hung up. Dad put the phone down, back into its cradle on the wall and turned to me; a quizzical expression covering his features.

"No, no, no, no. Don't give me that look. I know what it means." I said, defensively.

"And your answer being?..." He trailed off to allow me to reply. I didn't even have to hesitate before I responded.

"Yes. Most definitely. I'm in." I confirmed.

"Good." He nodded.

"Good." I echoed him as we stepped out of the phone box and made our way back to the van. Dad stopped halfway there and turned around before heading back over to the phone and pounding it with his fist. It hissed and smoke sizzled from the sides, indicated the message had been destroyed.

"So, what've you got?" Jane asked, cautiously. There was a slight pause before Dad replied.

"We're going into the Kremlin." He sighed, almost like he was manifesting something bad would happen. Benji chuckled and Jane frowned.

"Epic right?" I couldn't contain my grin as it spread across my face.

"Excuse me Mr. Ethan, Miles." Jasmine spoke, nodding between the two of us. "I could be mistaken but I just heard that you're going into the Kremlin? Russia's highest military grade security building?" She asked sceptically; eyes glazed with confusion yet a slightly excited look too.

"Yes I agree with Jaz. You're joking." Benji chuckled. Dad stared at him blankly before getting into the van, me and Jane quickly followed. "I thought you said the Kremlin for a minute there!" Benji repeated with a smile. When silence met his statement, his smile faltered. "Okay then." He mumbled before turning around and starting the van's engine up.

"And Jasmine?" Dad said.

"Yes Mr. Ethan?" She quipped back.

"Me and Miles aren't going into the Kremlin alone. You're coming too." He stated, firmly.

"But-" the girl's protests were quickly crushed.

"And call me Ethan, I've said it before and I'll say it again till I'm blue in the face." He explained, patiently.

"O-okay." Jasmine mumbled and nodded before pulling a book out of her rucksack. It was a nice, expensive looking black leather one with golden zips.

"Nice backpack. Where'd you get it?" I asked.

"My Father." She replied with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, once again." I whispered, reaching forward to place my hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Why? Did you do it?" She asked. I was rather taken aback by her question.

"N-no. Why?" I said, alarmed with a shake of my head.

"Then you've no reason to be sorry. Those who should be sorry are the ones I'm out to get. If they aren't already, I'll MAKE them." She gritted her teeth and opened up her book which I took as a signal to back away and leave her to it.

I sat back and crossed my leg over the other; mind working at a million miles an hour attempting to configure all the possibilities that could fail and what we'd do if it came to said circumstances. Some say I've an analyst's brain. Others say I'm an analyst's worst nightmare. Depends which way you look at it really.

But either way, I guess we're going on a Russian road trip. Regardless of whatever's said and there's nothing anyone can do to stop us.

Word Count: 1020

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