10 ~ Ethan

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ONCE I'D PARKED the Jeep, I led the procession through the hotel lobby, checked us in and took us straight up to the room we'd booked. Upon arriving, we immediately dumped all of our kit bags onto the couch; Benji scrambling to get his laptop out of one of the bags. Everyone was here apart from Jane and Jasmine of whom, I'd sent down to the dry cleaning department so that they could both gather any information we were missing whilst also being inconspicuous.

"ETA on dry cleaning?" I asked, holding my earpiece to check up on them.

"On our way up." Jasmine replied. I heard a ruffle from the other end and assumed that they'd picked up some clothing to blend in.

"Noted. Thank you." I said.

"Okayyy, thirty four minutes to door knock y'all!" Brandt's voice snapped me out of my briefly panicked state. Benji (who sat slumped in the corner in a plush grey armchair) wasn't so positive. He cleared his through and sighed.

"What?" I questioned out of instinct.

"Wow, erm okay. This is a slight wrinkle but ummm, nothing to worry about in the long run." He stuttered.

"What's the problem?" I repeated.

"We're just going to have to access the server room from the outside." He said. I opened my mouth to reply but my son beat me to it.

"I beg your pardon?" Miles said, eyes wide with shock. "Why?"

"Well, the bloody firewalls on this hotel are military grade! I mean, this would be easy peasy if I could call Youssef back at headquarters but Youssef doesn't exist anymore and technically speaking, neither do we. I could hack it but it would take too long." Benji informed me.

"Then hardwire it." Miles and me replied together. He looked over at me and shrugged.

"I would but there's four layers of next -generation security between us and the server room. And there's no way we can get to it from the inside." Benji added.

I ran my hand through my hair in agitation. It didn't help that Brandt had decided to make yet another, fairly obvious observation.

"If we can't get to the server, that means we don't control the elevators nor the security cameras meaning that this little field op, is over before it's even started." Brandt observed.

"Okay but I'm saying that we can get to it from the outside!" Benji reiterated. I glanced at him, eyebrows raised.

"We?" I replied in disbelief.

"I'm on the computer." Benji held his hands up in the air. I looked over at Brandt who looked stunned.

"Well don't look at me! I'm the helper!" He defended himself. I sighed.

"What floor's it on?" I queried, making my way over to the window to look out of it.

"130." Benji spoke.

"One hundred and thirty?" I repeated in stupefaction.

"And what floor are we on now?" Miles asked.

"110." Benji said again, not looking up from his laptop.

"Oh sweet Jesus. Just wonderful this is." I muttered.

"What about the vent ducts?" Brandt piped up, trying to offer it as an alternative. Benji shook his head.

"Pressure sensitive, I'm afraid." Came his response.

"Elevator shaft?" Miles suggested.

"Infrared sensors." Benji quipped back.

"And not enough time either." Brandt said.

The Analyst's Nightmare (Mission Impossible 4)Where stories live. Discover now