14 ~ Jasmine Hanaway

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I HAD JUST PULLED on my combat boots to go for a walk when Benji apparently received a text from Ethan to pack some bags and meet him at the airport in half an hour. I made a noise halfway between a groan and a sigh. At least we were finally being allowed to do something. Even if it was via the orders of Ethan, as per usual. I dashed up the rickety wooden stairs and gathered my backpack, phone charger and headphones before running back down the stairs only to find the others still wrestling other items into small, zip up black bags.

"Y'all need some help?" I smirked and leant against the doorframe making them jump; Benji even so far as to place a hand on his chest to 'steady his heart.'

"Jesus Christ Minnie! You scared the crap out of us!" He shrieked making me laugh.

"You're a field agent seriously! Shouldn't you be more versatile and less jumpy?" I teased.

"Packet in you! I have enough of it from Miles I don't need it from you too!" He warned like an exhausted parent.

"Oi! I'm not that bad!" Miles whined. Benji glared at him.

"You take after your Dad. Now tell me you aren't that bad." He said. Miles just shook his head.

"You wound me Benji, you really do." He mocked and feigned being dramatically shot.

"Point proven." Benji motioned to him and rolled his eyes; returning his attention to packing the bags.

"Seriously though, y'all need help?" I reiterated my previous offer. Brandt nodded.

"You can come carry these bags out to the car if you want to help." He informed me. I nodded.

"Sure thing dude." I smiled and grabbed the bags, Jane following up behind me with yet more bags.

"I'm coming too, wait up." She said.

I reached the car just before her and dumped the bags in the trunk; staring on in shock as she piled many more in on top. "How are there that many bags?! How long are we even going for?" I asked awestruck. Jane shrugged.

"Who knows. Ethan only specified to pack up the house bags though so I'm assuming we're leaving the save house for good now." She guessed.

"Right okay then." I said, not really too sure what else to say to that. Brandt and Benji emerged from the house to dump the final load of bags into the back; Miles trailing behind them.

"All done now." Benji said, wiping his brow.

"Thank the Lord." Brandt muttered.

"Let's roll then." Miles grinned. We opened the car doors and got in as Brandt pulled out of the driveway.


THE CAR PULLED UP at the airport, stopping not too far away from a private jet which surprisingly Ethan appeared from as he made his way down the rest, velvety looking steps onto the concrete ground; a bunch of other suitcases piled up to his left. As I got out of the car, I heard another plane taking off and my head instantly turned in that direction as I lost my breath marvelling at the aircraft gain altitude.

"Beautiful." I murmured softly. I'd always loved aircraft ever since I was a little kid. I suppose it was because I was amazed at how high they could fly and how quickly they could gain altitude. I didn't particularly mind which aircraft it was. I loved seeing old war planes and modern military jets and sometimes I even fancied myself piloting them but I knew it would come to no avail as I was scared of death and wasn't too keen on combat so I figured the commercial aviation side of things was more my style. I continued to stare at the plane which was rapidly decreasing in size as it flew away until my attention was brought back down to Earth (so to speak) by Benji.

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