09 ~ Miles

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HOURS LATER, WE were crammed into a small, green coloured LandRover driving through the desert to the hotel. I was sandwiched in between Brandt and Benji whilst Jasmine sat opposite me; behind her was Dad in the driver's seat and Jane in the passenger side. There wasn't much for conversation and the radio had its volume pretty low and since my headphones had run out of battery (like Minnie had told me they would), I didn't have anything to do other than listen to the others repeat elements of our mission.

"So even if we can double Wistrom AND Moreau, how do we keep them in separate rooms whilst having them think that they're in the same room?" Brandt asked for the hundredth time. I groaned.

"We give the hotel a facelift. Wistrom will think he's arriving in Moreau's suite but really he'll be in our decoy room." Dad explained to him, again.

"Where I'll double Moreau." Jane chipped in.

"And Benji will be downstairs doubling Wistrom." Dad said.

"Masks!" Benji grinned, whilst holding his sunglasses by the arm between his teeth.

"And I'll meet with the real Moreau." He added.

"Okay so ummmm, what am I doing?" Brandt asked, hopefully.

"You? You're the helper!" Benji smirked before going back to whatever he was going on his laptop.

"Helper that's great." He mumbled, unimpressed. "The kid has a bigger role than me and he's like 18 years younger than me!" He complained.

"That's because your Father isn't a world class agent." I replied, smug as can be with my grin and my shiny new aviators.

"I wouldn't say I'm world class, but I'll take the compliment. Thanks son." Dad chuckled, leaning over slightly from the front seat.

"Ummmh, erhh Guys!" Jane pointed to something in front of the car and we swerved away.

"cAmeLS." Dad informed us with a smile like it wasn't already obvious. I snorted. We were in a desert for Christ sake obviously there was going to be camels!

Since everyone else was too busy discussing things, I leant forward and connected my phone to the Bluetooth before selecting a song and turning up the volume. As the familiar tune of Kids in America by Kim Wilde began to play to my upmost surprise, Brandt started moving in his seat. I think he was dancing?! He saw me staring at him, mouth agape and grinned at me for the first time, rather than getting on my nerves or starting an argument.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" He laughed.

"You know this song?" I asked, in shock. He nodded.

"Well duuuh! I was about your age when it came out!" He smirked. "I'm surprised you're into old 80's gems."

"Well, Dad taught me well." I shrugged.

"Too right I did!" He agreed from the driver's seat before starting up a conversation with Jane.

The music swelled around us and we both began vibing and dancing.

"But the question is, do you know the words?" I asked with a smirk. He returned it right back at me.

"Oh hell yeah I do!" He grinned and we launched into a duet together.


"EVERYBODY LIVE FOR THE MUSIC GO ROUND!" We continued vibing and then high fived, as we listened to the music; waiting for our next time to strike at the chorus.

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