17 ~ Miles

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THREE DAYS LATER, we sat together crowed round a small table at a local outdoor bar and listened to the newsreader ramble on about who saw what and how the ministry of defence had classified the 'falling object' which was clearly a nuke. Dad must've invited one of his old colleagues that for I didn't know the large, burly man with dark skin and kind green eyes who sat opposite me.

"And you actually said that? Out loud?!" He laughed. Dad nodded. "What? Mission accomplished!" The man snorted.

"I said it." Dad gave a wry smile. I nodded.

"Yeah I can confirm, I heard him say it. Cringe as it was." I smirked.

"You're still corny Ethan. And I can't imagine the look on that guy's face." The man concluded before drawing a long swig from his beer. I looked to Dad and he looked back at me with a blank expression, clearly not noticing that I didn't know his friend. It took a few moments for it to sink in.

"Oh right sorry! Miles this is Luther. You've already met him when you were a toddler but I doubt you'll remember that so I'll reintroduce you. Luther Miles, Miles Luther." Dad apologised.

"Hello lil' guy!" Luther smiled wide and stood to then moments later, embrace me. "Last time I saw you, you were super small!" He laughed.

"Good to know." I smiled awkwardly. He broke away from the hug still smiling and placed a hand on Dad's shoulder.

"Hey man you know I got this, I'm fine." He said.

"I know. I'll see you in Kandahar." Luther answered before walking away. Benji sipped from his coffee before addressing Dad directly.

"So I hear the insurance company is refusing to pay the claim on that car you crashed Ethan. Something about intentional 100 meter drops not being covered by policy?" He mused.

"Go figure." Dad chuckled. A gust of wind blew past the table, causing Dad's long scruffy hair to blow into his eyes. He huffed and tried to blow it away like I'd done earlier on this week but it didn't work. I smirked all knowingly. "Don't start." He pointed a mocking finger at me.

"Someone's clearly got their knickers in a twist." I sniped halfheartedly with a smile, holding my hands up in mock surrender. A chorus of laughter followed.

"How's the leg?" Jane asked.

"Still working." Dad responded. "And you?"

"I'll manage." She assured him. Nobody had any doubt, she was a strong woman who was highly intelligent. Much like Hanaway's daughter.

"I'm fine by the way." Me and Benji added at the same time. The rest of the group looked at us with curiosity.

"I mean, if you don't count not sleeping then yeah all good." Benji clarified. I rolled my eyes.

"But I'm all good though. See, I can even stand up properly now." I grinned and pushed back the wooden chair, concentrating on not falling over. "Ta da!" I waved my hands around in a jazz hands formation which elicited a small twinge in my chest. I flinched, making everyone immediately aware of the pain. I sat back down and plastered on a smile anyhow.

"All these people, are happy and smiling." Benji went on. "Completely oblivious to the fact that they were almost just vaporised." He lowered his voice at the last word so as not to alarm anyone who could possibly overhear. "And if it hadn't of been for-" Brandt finished Benji's sentence.

"Dumb luck." He offered.

"Was it though?" Dad quiried. "I mean yes, we were unprepared, in the dark and disavowed but the only thing that functioned properly throughout was this team." He motioned to all of us, inclusively. "I don't know how we ended up together, but I'm glad we did." He finished.

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