12 ~ Will (Brandt)

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NOBODY SPOKE ON THE car journey to the safe house where we currently resided. It had been quite the awkward trip down here as everyone knew that we'd failed to complete our task and the effects could be disastrous if we didn't do something soon. Personally, I blame it on Jane because she was the one who kicked Moreau (who was an asset might I add!) out of the window to her death which has just derailed the entire bloody operation!

"Now, what happened with Moreau Jane?" I grilled her angrily as I leant against the wall, regarding her with suspicion and an unchecked fury.

"She couldn't help us with Hendricks." She replied, abruptly.

"So let's throw her off the building then yeah?!" I asked, my temper rising. It wouldn't be long before I lost it and snapped altogether.

"She didn't throw her." Jasmine sniped. "Don't be such an ass."

"So let's throw her off the building!" I mocked before I lost my rag like I'd predicted I would. "SHE WAS NOT THE MISSION, JANE!" I shouted, slamming my hand onto the desk making Benji jump and Miles come rushing forward.

"Hey, hey! Calm it! You weren't anywhere to be seen throughout the entire chase escapade so you're far from innocent!!" Miles argued.

"The mission was to track the file back to Hendricks who is in the wind with NUCLEAR BLOODY LAUNCH CODES!" I yelled; ignoring Ethan's son.

"Well maybe YOU didn't notice the gun she had pointed at me!" Jane retorted sarcastically.

"Yeah right like YOU didn't notice the open window and the fact that we were about a mile up in the air!" I snapped.

"It was an instinctive move!" Jasmine defended the woman.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT NUCLEAR WAR HERE!" I shouted again. "The asset is more important than you!"

"Talk to her in that way again and you'll regret all the life decisions you've ever made. I'll kill you, disperse of your body and bury it making sure it's covered by an endangered plant so that nobody can legally dig you up. Do you hear me?" Jasmine commented nonchalantly like it was a normal thing to threaten. I turned to her slightly alarmed that she'd managed to say that so calmly. Before I got a chance to respond to her threat, Jane jumped in.

"When do you get to tell me how well I executed?!" She exclaimed. "We inherited you! You joined our team when you're really nothing more than a bureaucrat! I don't need YOU to tell me what the mission is or is not!!"

Jane then marched over toward Benji and started interrogating him about how the Russian agents had found out where we were; throwing around wild accusations, even going so far as to suggest that he'd conspired with them and given over classified information.

"You cannot afford to make mistakes like that Benji! You aren't a technician anymore, you're a field agent!" I stressed; smacking my palm with my hand turnt sideways to further emphasise my point.

"And YOU'RE just an analyst!" Ethan spat as he emerged from the connecting washroom. "Right?" He questioned. "RIGHT?!" He said again.

"Oh hey, Dad!" Miles smiled innocently and waved from the corner over by Jane. He gave a brief nod in response before drilling into me yet again. "Who are you really Brandt?" He asked as he stepped closer to me.

Shit. He was on to me.

"What are you asking?" I replied, pretending to be confused.

"What am I asking?" Ethan scoffed. "Okay, let me see if I can put it another way." He spoke before pulling a gun on me. Out of instinct and various training operations, I sprung up and grabbed the gun, wrenching it free of his hands before backing away, cocking it and aiming it at his head. Jane pulled her pistol on me too. And it was at this moment I knew, I'd messed up...

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