15 ~ Jane

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THE CAR SLOWED TO a gentle halt in front of the large, Manor House. An attendant opened the driver side door whilst I sat and waited for Ethan to walk around the back of the car and help me out of my seat. He did just that, putting on an affectionate (and fake might I add) display in hopes it would be the easier way to seduce Brij Nath which meant getting the codes quicker. The quicker we're in, the quicker we're out I suppose. I glanced at Ethan who looked smart and rather dashing in an all back tux topped with a small, neatly tied bow tie. He nodded and walked alongside me as we made our way inside; awaiting the later confirmation that Brandt had arrived with Jaz and Miles tailing him.

The inside of the manner was perhaps more luxurious than the exterior. Polished marble floors and gold pillars bedecked just about every available surface, save for the walls which were mostly covered by paintings and award cabinets. And the party? The grandest and the largest I'd ever attended. It even included professional Bollywood dancers and a small water jet that would jump around the room almost like a dolphin resurfacing for air every so often. Eventually I'd gathered everything visually from the design and moved to lean against a gold pillar; waiting whilst Ethan contacted Brandt via the interlinking comms system.

"Comm check." He said, right as Brandt sashayed past and fixed his suit, followed by both children.

"Saturn's got your 5 by 5 Jupiter." He replied tartly before making his way down to where we could only hope Benji lay in wait with all of the technological gear. Mere moments later, Benji acknowledged.

"This is Pluto. I've arrived at the party." Benji confirmed which essentially informed us that he was exactly where we'd planned.

"Good. Standby." Ethan replied.

"Sooo, what're we gonna do?" Miles asked, rocking on the balls of his feet. "Nice place he got here." He let out a low whistle.

"You two have two options. Either wait here until further notice, OR wonder aimlessly around, mingle with some people and cause distractions like most kids do. And remember, you're not really supposed to be here at all since it's predominantly an adult's event." Ethan informed them, matter of factly.

"But that involves actually talking to people!" Jaz exclaimed.

"Yeah that's why it's called socialising. Introvert by any chance, Jaz?" Ethan chuckled.

"Haha very funny dude, laugh it up go on." She replied sarcastically clapping her hands.

"So what're ya'all gonna do then?" Miles asked, pointing between the two of us with a raised eyebrow. I tried to cover a laugh with a cough.

"Adult stuff." And with that, he lead me away and toward the target; leaving the kids to choose whichever of Ethan's options they desired most which I suspected was neither.

"There he is." I muttered, taking a glass of champagne off a waiter's tray as he walked past. I took a deep breath and downed the drink in one, placing the glass on a table nearby.

"Get us. That code." Ethan instructed somewhat vindictively. I nodded before sauntering over to the group of people Brij Nath was surrounded by. I plucked a grape off a fruit platter and popped in my mouth, gaining his attention for a split second before I moved away.

"Hooks in." Ethan spoke. I made my way back to him and smiled. "You do make an impression." He added.

Mile's POV:

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