13 ~ Ethan

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THE BAG WAS ripped off of my head once we'd reached the meeting point. Bogdan stood alarmingly close to me, clearly never having heard of personal space. But he meant well so I'd overlook it. He grinned and clapped at seeing me for the first time since our little prison break.

"Sergi! Sergei my friend!" He beamed. "I told you I'd get him here. Didn't I say?!"

"How do I know it's him?" I deadpanned, ruining the mood slightly. But I had to know if he could be trusted or not.

"It's him! You trust me, I trust you. Right?" He confirmed before rounding on the arms dealer. "This is the guy! The one I was telling you about!"

"All good things I hope." I muttered.

"So, we can take these things off now." Bogdan said, grabbing at the handcuffs which secured me to the chair. He rattled them which gained the man's attention. "Sorry, he's a great guy but he doesn't know you like I do." Bogdan explained.

"So, you work for the American government?" The man boomed; stepping out of the shadowy corner behind a small jeep. He stared at me the way a predator would as if sized up its prey.

"And you're an arms dealer." I retorted. Bogdan then corrected me and gave the man's job a fancy title but I shook my head to indicate I didn't want to hear anymore. I was here for businesses and information. That only.

"Those diamonds are for Bogdan." I stated, eyeing the little bag of gems the arms dealer held tightly in his left hand.

"No, no it's okay he can have them." Bogdan said nervously.

"Whatever arrangements you made with my cousin is between you and him. You want something from me? You pay." He demanded.

"No, you misunderstand. I'm not buying. I'm selling." I replied.

He chuckled. "You're selling? Selling what?"

"The future." I responded confidently.

"Ahh, no thanks I got all I need right here." The man dismissed my claim with a wave of his hand and a scornful gaze.

"Our countries are on the brink of war, as I'm sure you're aware." I pushed.

"War is very good for business." The man tapped back.

"Nuclear war?" I asked with one eyebrow raised. He stepped closer and sighed.

"Go on."

"I'm looking for a man named Curt Hendricks. You may know him as Cobalt. Either way, I think you know what he wants and I'm willing to bet that he even tried to buy it from you at some point." I prompted.

"Go on." He repeated.

"He has a case and codes. But they're worthless without a tactical satellite. I want to know where he'd get it." I finished.

"A man with information like that is seen as a potential terrorist but then again, a potential terrorist IS a terrorist to your government." He informed me coldly.

"If you help me." I started gaining a worried glance from Bogdan beside me. "My friends, become your friends." The man exhaled and threw the bag of diamonds to Bogdan.

"Sorry, I cannot help you." He concluded. I looked away disappointedly at the floor and became surprised by his next words. "And I certainly cannot tell you that Russia quietly sold an obsolete technical satellite to a certain telecom in Mumbai."

"And whoever gave him that idea?" I mocked. He laughed.

"An enterprising third party." He mused.

"Working on commission." I added.

"Helping old friends and making new ones." He smiled and gestured to me.

"Can the satellite be shut down?" I asked.

"That would take special skills. And you can't do it alone." He told me. I nodded.

"Thank you for your time. You've helped more than you know." I said.

"Not a problem for new friends." He smirked. He motioned to his cousin to undo the handcuffs and lead me back up to the top deck where I'd made my way in from.

"До скорой встречи, мой друг." I smiled at Bogdan. What I'd said roughly translated to: See you soon, my friend.

"Таким же образом." He responded, matching my smile. Translation meaning: Likewise.

And with that, I left the boat on my way to the airport where my plane awaited. I'd sent word to the others once I arrived. I needed to get everything set up beforehand.

Word Count: 772

A/N: Sorry this is such a short chapter. I wanted to split this one from the airport scene though as I feel like it would be better plus I have some other things to add into it etc. But yeah, I hope you're enjoying so far :)

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