Part 4: Found Out...

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3 days later after that meeting, Rosemary was eyeing her father more than usual, making him feel a little concerned, but probably thought she was just staring off.

As the day went by, he grew more and more concerned for his daughter. She finally decided to sit her parents down and have a talk with them.

"Honey, what's all this about?" The father had asked his daughter, concerned for the fact she's acting strange for the past few days.

"Dad..." Rosemary started.

"Do you..Love me and mom..?" Rosemary asked, hoping to god it was yes.

This question made her father feel anxious to answer, making Rosemary worried he doesn't. The uncle came around the corner,

and her father looking at the ground.

"No..He doesn't." The uncle said with a smirk on his face as he glared at Rosemary.

Rosemary could feel a tear fall down her cheek as the answer echoes in her head.

"H-...How do you explain how they had me?! How could they have me if my father didn't love my mother?!" Rosemary shouted.

"They never had you, you were just some kid that was in a experiment lab and was adopted by them, and...I guess that's how you came back alive." The uncle then with an annoyed tone, explained how her question was "silly" and "unreasonable".

"I can't believe it..You...All this time...Never loved me..?" Rosemary heartbrokenly asked.

"Sweetie listen I love you with all my-" Her father was cut off by Rosemary's loud voice.


She shouted, the uncle was surprised and then happy at her uproar, while the father sunk down in his seat.

She stomped to her room and slammed the door behind her, sliding down on the wooden door, falling into a fetal position and cried in her knees.

Meanwhile with the family downstairs.

"How could you tell her I do not love her?! I love her AND my wife!" The father had shouted at his dear brother.

The uncle just rolled his eyes at him.

"Honey I think you should stop. I already know you love us and I don't believe any of these things this creep is telling us."

The mother had said as she rested her head on her husband's shoulder.

He backed off momentarily to apease his wife.

"Also, they hadn't released information about the killer yet, the one who drowned your daughter? Yeah, that was me." The uncle said as he had a sick, twisted smile carved into his face.

This surprised the couple, the father's face then turned a red color.


The father screamed as he grabbed the collar of the uncle's shirt and pulled him to him, while the uncle smiled.

'And I know for a fact she was not from a experiment lair." The mother said.

"Then...How did she come back alive after she died then hmm?" The uncle asked.

"The doctors told us she has a very rare condition that gives the average person the ability to come back from death."

The mother explained with great detail.

The uncle rose his hands up in the air in defeat.

"Alright, you caught me there, heh heh."

The uncle said as he about to open the front door to leave, then he stopped.

"Y'know little brother? You have a strong kid, she's brave, she's stubborn that's for sure heh, guess she gets it from you.

She kinda reminds me of you a bit heh heh.

She's like a spitting image of you Murelle.

Looks alot like ya, anywho, I...I'll try to warm up to her, I swear, okay?" The uncle said as he fiddled with the door handle a little.

The father pierced his lips and looked away dramatically. The uncle sighed and laughed silently.

"Pinkie promise?" He said as he held up his pinky finger, that persuaded the father to lock his pinky with his brother's.

"You better not break this one, or else Pinkie's coming for you." The father jokingly said about the Pinkie part, but was dead serious about the other bit.

"I won't." The uncle said, making the father raise an eyebrow at him.

"I won't! I promised! And a Pinkie promise is a promise I am willing to keep...This time." The uncle said, trying to convince his brother he really is going to keep the promise. The father just laughed at the last bit, making the uncle smile.

Meanwhile with Rosemary.

She was crying in her room until she heard the whole uproar going on from below her, she put her ear into the carpet of the floor and tried to listen in. Once she heard the full thing, she couldn't believe her ears.


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