Part 11: Where are we..?

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"Okay, follow me. I'll tell ya what you need to do on the way." Her uncle had said before dragging her back to the door. She confused at first. "Why are we at the door?" She asked her uncle. "You will soon see." Her uncle had simply stated before opening the door and crawled through it with Rosemary following close behind.

They eventually got to the library with the uncle going in all the wrong directions and Rosemary having to teach him the correct directions. They found the book that told the history of the monsters.

"That the book?" Her uncle asked.

"Yep that's the one." Rosemary confirmed.

before they could reach for the book Lilac sprung out of nowhere and excitedly greeted the uncle.

"Hi! I'm Lilac! Who might you be??" Lilac enthusiastically said as she jumped up and down excitedly.

The uncle was taken aback at this, but regained his composure and simply said.

"I'm not gonna share names right now, but nice to meet you Lilac, I guess.." The uncle shook her hand. "Oh, well that's quite alright! Whatcha guys up to?" Lilac asked as she squeezed in the middle of the two.

"Trying to figure out how to break my bad fortune because I mentioned the book to everyone I know in the house." Rosemary answered. "Oh no!! Sounds like a bummer to have that casted on you!!" Lilac sympathetically said as she hugged Rosemary.

"Yeah, my human friends had left me because of a false rumor I apparently spread around school about them that I didn't even remember spreading." Rosemary explained in a casual fashion.

"Oof! That's gotta be tough! But don't you worry about me leaving! I'll stay with you until the end of time!" Lilac said, holding her hands.

"Heh, thanks Lilac." Rosemary thanked her.

Lilac gave her a warm smile.

"No problem! That's what friends are for!"

Lilac had bursted out with a wide smile.

"Alright, enough with the feely stuff. We need to get moving if we want break that curse on ya kid."

Her uncle had erupted with an annoyed tone.

"Party pooper." Lilac said under her breath.

They both followed him, he led them to a place that looked abandoned.

"Oooh! I know this place! This place was abandoned in the 1750's because of strange activity going on in the building.

This place is history here in this wonderland!

Everything here may look like something out of a child's dream but this place, is a nightmare in a building."

Lilac had explained the wonderland's history with the building.

"Wow, interesting." Rosemary had replied with a slightly strained smile plastered on her face, imagining the horrors that house could hold.

"Wanna go inside?" Lilac asked as she waltzed to the door.

Rosemary's uncle and her shared side eye looks at each other for a moment before deciding to follow Lilac inside the house.

As they made their way further into the house, they began hearing strange noises from every twist and turn.

This soon began to creep the trio out.

But alas, they kept venturing deeper and deeper into the house. Soon, they began to see slight silhouettes in the dark,

making them stop and look around their surroundings, making sure they weren't being followed as the uncomfortable feeling of being watched slowly began to crawl onto the trio's back. They had the uncle watch out from behind them while the other two were doing the same thing with their left's and right's.

Everything was fine until a heavy object was thrown across the room, making everyone jump. They examined the object that flew. While doing so, the uncle began to see the shadow of a man standing in the hallway.

He froze for a solid hour, staring back at the figure,

before it started to charge at them, the uncle yelled and rushed the two girls to run, they were running through the house until they saw an exit, they headed straight for it, with a loud and ominous screech from the figure, they opened the door by crashing into it, the uncle sprung up form his laying position and slammed the door shut, followed by a bang, meaning the creature slammed into the door and fell over.

They felt relieved they were out of that house.

But realized where they were, they were in a dark and creepy forest, with a dirt path that led into a huge amount of trees, leaning on either side of each other, creating a tunnel.

"Where the heck are we??" The uncle asked.

"I...Don't know..." Lilac said as she slowly stood up, staring at the tunnel of dead trees.

"Wherever we are... Let's just hope there's a way out.."

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