Part 15: Lazy Town

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(The picture above is what the town looks like)

The trio walked into the hallway infront of them. It was just a blank, yellow hallway that led them to a party, it looked abandoned... As if something horrible happened...

"What on earth..?" Bruce whispered as he looked at the walls to see dried up blood staining the wallpaper, the tables still had the birthday party sheet on them, but it was rugged, and dirty. Some balloons were still in the air, most had deflated.

The tables were bench tables. Dried blood stained the wall all around, even the tables were stained with it.

"It looks like it was somebody's birthday..."

Lilac said as she gently dragged her fingers across a table.

"And whoever had this party on their birthday most likely died... From what? I don't know.. Blood is staining everything so... Is it possible that the place might've been broken into?"

Rosemary observed what might have been a crime scene.

The trio examined the room, the more they ventured, the more uneasy they felt.

They soon entered a room that felt wrong... Very wrong..

The room was empty, but dark.

They felt around the walls for a light switch, Bruce's fingers brushed across the light switch, accidentally turning the light on, they opened their eyes to see a, once again, blank yellow room, no blood this time, just dust and dirt, they looked to their right and saw a hallway, they left the room and followed the path, they walked straight into a unknown town,

confusing the trio, they looked back to the room they were just in, it vanished...

"What the..?? It was just here a second ago! What in the world is this place..?" Rosemary was in disbelief.

"I don't know anymore... But I'm not liking it.." Lilac crossed her arms to hold her own shoulders, chills creeping up her spine.

"*Sigh* let's see where this'll take us." Rosemary walked ahead, checking her surroundings constantly as she is already uneasy just by the look of the place.

They spotted a wall with an arrow pointing at a house next to it saying "Go inside if you want to know the secrets that lie within this town" And the trio being the trio, went to the home, it was old and abandoned, dust had set in the house and solidified itself into the air as if it were concrete.

"Jeez... This place certainly seen better days..."

Bruce walked around, observing the run down place,

kicking around junk that had been left behind.

"These people seemed like they were in a hurry... Everything seems scattered across the room..."

Rosemary walked across the tableside, dragging her hand across the very dusty table, she happens to see the glass that was once attached to the wooden case had been shattered, and the wood inside it had a hole in it, not a gaping one, just broken off wood.

"Someone might've gotten thrown into this case, shattering the glass and creating a massive hole inside it.."

Rosemary walked to the case, examining it.

The trio decided to venture more of the house, upstairs caught their attention, when they reached the top of the stairs, there were multiple rooms.

They went into the bathroom.

"Wow.. Wasn't expecting it to be this cramped."

Bruce was surprised of how small the bathroom is.

"Something is... off about this mirror..."

Rosemary noticed as she slowly reached to touch the mirror,

a woman appeared on the mirror, making the trio jump in surprise.

"You will see the truth behind this town..."

She said as she grabbed Rosemary into the mirror, pulling the other two in as well.

They all appeared in a black void.

'What is happening..?'

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