Why Sakura Kept Her Mouth Shut

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto talking in his mind.

(Next Morning: Training Grounds)

"Yo!" Kakashi greeted the two as he poofed in front of them.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screeched.

"I was helping a baby fox." He said.

"LIAR!" She yelled.

"Ma." He waved her off. "By the way, Sakura-chan, can you tell me why you didn't mention seeing Naruto-kun yesterday?" He asked.

"W-what?" She stuttered out in shock.

Sasuke looked at her in confusion. When the blonde failed to show up she complained about his laziness. If she had seen him before their training session she should have said something. It made him wonder. He may not like Naruto but had he seen him he would have told the teacher. He knew how much they needed teamwork after their fight with Haku and Zabuza. Kakashi wasn't impressed and glared at her.

"You heard me." He replied coldly.

"I-i didn't see the baka yesterday." She denied.

"After our session ended yesterday I went looking for him. I found him in his bed. He was burning up. He told me he had felt it and decided to go home. You two ran into each other and he told you he was sick." He said.

"He's lying!" She yelled, not happy that he was believing that freak over her. \It's true but he shouldn't believe that loser over me! I am so telling mom.\

"No he isn't. After I left him I talked to a few people. Two confirmed his story." He lied. \They wouldn't help Naruto but she doesn't know that. She'll have to tell me the truth.

"I-i..." She had no idea what to say. \Who the fuck tattled on me? When I find out they are so done for!\

"Truth. Now." He ordered.

"Fine. I wanted to get him into trouble. I didn't think you would go looking for him and even if you did I thought you wouldn't believe him." Sakura admitted.

The two males looked at her in shock. "Why?" Kakashi asked.

"I hate that the loser is on the same team as Sasuke-kun and me." She answered. "He is dragging us down."

"I'm so disappointed and angry with you." He said after taking a few calming breaths.

"What?! Why?!" She asked in anger and shock.

"He is a member of this team. He is the one who helped defeat Haku and Zabuza. Sasuke-kun also helped. Naruto saved Sasuke-kun. All you did was stand around and watch Sasuke-kun fight." He had been so upset by that and tried to break her out of that habit.

"B-b-" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Since you want to act like a child I'll treat you like one. You can sit here for eleven minutes." He told her.

"Excuse me?" She asked in disbelief. \Is he putting me in timeout?\

"You're in timeout for eleven minutes." The white haired ninja said.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"B-" She went to argue but he wasn't going to let her.

"Shh. In timeout you're supposed to keep your mouth shut and think about why you are being punished." He told her.

"I'll tell my parents." The pink haired girl said.

"Okay." That wasn't the expected reaction.

"My parents are council members." She reminded him.

That made Kakashi snort. "Civilian council members. This is a ninja matter so they can't do shit. I am a ninja so they can't do shit. Now shut up and sit."

She was so shocked that her mouth was hanging open and no sound came out. A few seconds later she sat down. Kakashi looked at his other student after he started a timer.

"Today you will be practicing chakra control." He said.

"Hai." He nodded.

"Pick a tree and start." He said. "Keep doing so until you run out of chakra."


Sasuke did as he was told. Secretly he was enjoying how quiet the pink haired ninja was. It was nice being able to train in silence and from what he witnessed and heard her admit she deserved it. He may be a dick but he would have told their sensei a teammate was sick and her reasons were childish. He cleared his head as he continued.

"Sir?" It was Sakura.

"No talking." He said.

"Hmph!" She glared at him.

"Once you finish talking I will reset your timer." He told her.

Sakura scowled but kept her mouth shut. When she didn't continue talking the white haired man restarted the timer. Sakura felt embarrassed since her precious Sasuke-kun was witnessing it. She vowed to get both Kakashi and the freak back for it.

"How are you feeling?" Their sensei asked Sasuke.

"Okay. Why?" He asked.

"Draining your chakra is a serious thing and can be really dangerous. I want to keep an eye on it." He explained.

"Oh, okay." He said as he continued.

\How dare he ignore me!\ She thought.

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