S-Class Secrets

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto talking in his mind.

(With Team 7)

Naruto and Kakashi arrived at the training field. A few minutes later Sasuke and Sakura arrived. They went on their guard seeing their sensei already there. The look of guilt on Naruto's face didn't help.

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi explained the situation with the civilian council to them. Neither were happy about it. Sakura wanted to smack her parents. Now that she thought the whole thing over she wondered how anyone could treat a child like that. She still felt guilty for how she had been treating him.

"We'll be careful." She promised.

"Yeah. It will be like training." Sasuke said.

"Good. Now there is something else we must tell you." Kakashi said.

Now the look of guilt on Naruto's face turned to fear. That caught his teammates' attention. Kakashi put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Naruto was really scared of how they would react.

"First we shall go to my place for privacy." The white haired man said.

"Okay." Sakura and Sasuke said.

"Follow me then." He said.

They followed Kakashi to his house. They were surprised to see Ibiki and Iruka were there. They sat down on the couch and waited.

"Now what I am about to tell you is an S-class secret. You can't reveal this to anyone else without the hokage's permission. I have that since he believes it will be better for you two to know." He said.

"Do Ibiki-san and Iruka-sensei know this? Does Naruto-kun?" Sakura quickly asked.

"All three know and the S0-class secret involves Naruto-kun." He answered.

"It does?!" The two were shocked.

"It does. You see the night the kyuubi attacked, the fourth and his wife had a baby, Naruto-kun." He began.

"Naruto-kun's dad was the fourth hokage?" Sakura choked.


"Why don't we know about that and why do the civilians and civilian council hate him then? Even a few ninjas hate him." She said.

"Because the kyuubi couldn't be killed. He's pure chakra. The only way to stop him was to seal him into someone, me. They think that I am the kyuubi." Naruto said.

"What?!" The two stared at the blonde in shock.

"Naruto-kun's father knew that they couldn't kill the kyuubi and that he needed to be sealed into someone. The only option was to seal it in a baby so that they wouldn't fight the invading chakra. He couldn't ask another to use their baby if he couldn't use his own so he sealed the kyuubi into his own child. He and his wife died. Their last wish was for Naruto-kun to be treated as a hero. For without Naruto-kun we all would be dead." Iruka explained as Ibiki wrapped his arms around Naruto.

"The current hokage tried to honor that wish but then an enemy of his father tried to kill him. That was why the knowledge of Naruto-kun's parents were made secret. When the person taking care of Naruto-kun tried to kill him, that was when the S-class secret was made." Kakashi said.

Did they not know you were sealed into my mom first? Naruto asked.

'No they don't. She kept it a secret and you might want to as well. It was the reason for your whisker marks. Thanks to me being sealed into her while she was pregnant with you, some of my chakra transferred to you. If it was revealed... well...' He trailed off.

It would confirm their belief I was a demon. He finished

'Correct.' He said and they focused back in on Iruka talking.

"No one was allowed to talk about the truth of that night. He didn't want the younger generation nor outsiders from learning. We began teaching everyone that the fourth died, killing the kyuubi." Iruka said, "The younger generation and outsiders weren't allowed to learn about the seal."

"Like mentioned before, many believed that Naruto-kun is the kyuubi and so they blame him for the death of anyone that died that night." Ibiki told them. "I have had to arrest many people that have attacked Naruto-kun in the past and so have Kakashi-kun and Iruka-kun."

"That's the reason the civilian council created those rules. They wanted to punish me further and keep me from becoming a ninja. After I graduated they wanted me weak. They're afraid that if I become powerful I will remove the seal and destroy the village." Naruto informed them.

"The younger generation doesn't know that the kyuubi is sealed within Naruto-kun but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean that they don't pick up their parents' hatred. They began to bully him." Kakashi said.

The four were silent after that. They wanted to give the two some time to process the information they were just told. They really hoped that the two took it well. They just sat there. The shock look on their faces was evident. Sasuke was the first to snap out of it.

"How come the ninjas hate Naruto-kun? Shouldn't they know the difference between a kunai and a seal?" He asked.

Iruka gave a sad smile. You would think but some can't get over the death of their loved ones, that they want someone to blame, someone they can hurt, that they overlook how seals work. Some are from civilian families and that seems to make them not see it."

"That's dumb. Without Naruto-kun we would all be dead." He said.

"Exactly." Kakashi said, "How do you two feel about this?"

"The dobe is still a dobe." He smirked.

"Teme." He gave the raven haired ninja a watery smile.

"Sakura-chan?" Kakashi looked at his pink haired student.

"My parents are idiots. Just because a demon is sealed within you doesn't mean you are a demon." She said before hugging him. "The demon that destroyed our village years ago is different from our Naruto-kun."

"Arigato." Naruto said into her shoulder.

"You're welcome." She pulled back.

"There is something else." The blonde said.

"More?" The two asked.

"Yeah. During the battle with Haku and Zabuza I accidentally tapped into the kyuubi's chakra. I was so shocked, angry, and saddened when I thought Sasuke-kun was dead. That day I told Sakura-chan I was sick, I had lied. My chakra and some of the kyuubi's chakra merged. It caused a few.... changes." He said.

"What?" The two were shocked and confused.

Naruto stood up and removed the henge. His new features were revealed. His teammates stared at him in shock. They weren't sure what they had expected but fox-like features weren't one of them. Sakura then smiled at him.

"Oh you look so cute." She cooed. "Can I feel your ears?"

Naruto sighed in relief. "Yes."

"Awesome." She grinned.

The pink haired ninja let her fingers rub Naruto's ears. They were very soft and they twitched at the touch.

"Maybe revealing the ears to her wasn't such a good idea." Sasuke smirked.

"Probably." Kakashi agreed, watching as Sakura pet Naruto.

"More than probably." Ibiki deadpanned.

"What now?" Naruto asked.

"You put your henge back on and we train." Kakashi said.


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