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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto talking in his mind.

(With Tsunade)

The drunk medic-nin was at a bar. She was drinking her weight in sake when her assistant came in. Shizune quickly went over to her and handed her a letter. Tsunade frowned before reading it. When she finished she wanted to murder and cry. Poor Naruto. She wished she had taken him with her.

"What is it?" Shizune asked.

"Here." She handed it over to Dan's niece to read.

"Those bastards!" She hissed when she finished reading.

"Yes, yes they are." She agreed.

"When do we leave?" She asked.

"The minute we are packed." She answered.

"I'll send a letter ahead to let the hokage know." Shizune said.

"Good idea." She said.

"Thank you."

The two left the bar and went to their rooms. Shizune wrote the letter and sent it off before packing. Once done she went outside to wait for Tsunade. Soon the two females left and made their way to Konoha. The civilian council better be careful. They pissed off two powerful females and now they wanted their blood.

(With the Hokage)

The man was in his office once more doing paperwork. It truly was the bane of his existence. That was when the letter arrived. He was relieved for a break and was surprised to see that Shizune had written to him. He opened the envelope and read the letter.

"Well the civilian council is more fucked then ever." He chuckled.

He was happy that they were coming. When he sent off the letter he was unsure. He knew that Tsunade had left with Shizune after Dan's death but he had no idea how she felt about Naruto. She never asked about Naruto but he also never really heard from her. Seeing this letter made him feel happy that she seemed to care. He just hoped she had a good reason for staying away. Naruto may be forgiving but not that forgiving.

He quickly wrote to Kakashi. He let him know that Tsunade was coming back to Konoha and that she wanted to see Naruto. After that he went back to the dreaded paperwork.

\It might be time to pass this off to someone else.\ He thought. \I'm much too old to be doing this paperwork.\

(With Kakashi)

The white haired man watched his team do the mission. It was just weeding and replanting a garden but they did it to the best of their abilities. There was no fighting and they were working together. It was a nice change and he was proud of their progress. Kakashi still remembered their first D rank mission.

Naruto fought with Sasuke and pretended to try and impress Sakura. Sasuke tried to do everything himself, fought Naruto, and tried to avoid Sakura. Sakura tried to get rid of Naruto, get out of doing any work, and flirt with Sasuke. It was a mess. Now though it was different.

They divided up the tasks. First they all pulled the weeds and cleaned up the area. Naruto dug the holes and placed the seeds. Sasuke covered the seeds and poured the fertilizer. Sakura would then water them. Afterwards they fixed up the fencing.

He loved that his team was finally acting like a team. He hadn't been planning on entering them into the chunin exams but if they kept this up he would. They now had a chance to pass and if they didn't at least they would gain the experience and he would help them improve even more.

"Kakashi-san?" A ninja walked up to him.

"Yes?" He looked at her.

"I have a letter for you from hokage-sama." She said as she handed it over.

"Thank you."

The ninja left after that. Kakashi read the letter and grinned beneath his mask. Oh he hoped Tsunade would let him help. He did hope she had a good reason for never visiting or contacting Naruto. He would talk to the blond about it later that day. He put the letter in his pocket and looked over at his team.

"Wonderful job everyone." He praised them.

"Arigato sensei." Naruto said.

"Arigato." Sakura blushed.


"Let's go get our reward and then get some lunch. Afterwards we can pick up another mission." He said.

"Hai." The three said.

They all walked to the mission area. They were all handed the money. They tried to take 'their share' from Naruto but Kakashi put an end to that. He wished he had seen them doing it before but now he wasn't going to let it continue. They were shocked but wisely kept their mouths shut after he glared at them. They would inform the civilian council later. They felt that the brat didn't deserve that money.

"Where would you like to go to lunch?" Kakashi asked them. "And no ramen." He looked pointily at Naruto who pouted.

"Aw man." He said not really that upset. \Now that I don't have to worry about money and food, I don't need to eat that much ramen. Still so tasty.\

"Iruka would kill me if I allowed you to have any more." He said. \Still can't believe how much he can eat in one go.\

"I picked last week and a few days ago Sasuke-kun picked, so how about Sakura-chan picks?" Naruto suggested.

"That sounds fair." Kakashi said.

"I agree." Sasuke said.

"How about yakitori?" She asked.

"Sounds good." Their sensei said.

The other two agreed. They ate their lunch and then picked up another mission. This one was cleaning up the stream. The three worked together to do that. Afterwards they picked up their pay. Once more Kakashi had to make sure Naruto was paid the full amount. They then went home.

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