chapter 1

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" Tommy! Billy! "

" your food is ready! " I shout

I place the cooked food into their kiddie plates and fill their colored water bottle with warm water. I placed the dishes into the sink and wiped off my hands with the towel

Noticing that the twins hadn't come for their lunch yet, I was curious why everything was quiet

and it was unlikely. I looked down at the floor and some of their toys were still there

" Tommy? Billy? " I asked

I slowly walked out of the kitchen to see that no one was there, everything was quiet and cold. Suddenly I felt nervous and scared

Where's my twins?

I shouted their name and rushed upstairs, I made my way to their bedroom and opened the door, to only see that none of them was there.

Tears stream down my cheeks as my hands begin to shake, I shoot their name again and search every corner of the house

"Tom- " but I was cut off when I locked eyes with the familiar blue ones. Shivers ran down my spine as I froze in my spot, is this real? It can't be

My entire body trembled and my heart skipped some beats

" mama? "

I called her, Mom looked at me while holding the twins' hands on both of her sides, they stared at me while not saying anything.

Tears landed on the floor as I looked at my twins... The light in their eyes is replaced with emptiness

" what's happening? " I asked

Mom looked down at my twins and smiled at me

" they're safe with me Adeline "

The only words I heard came out of her mouth. I couldn't believe that I was hearing her real voice after years of not hearing it, she was dead... Does that mean my children are dead too?

" no"

I ran to take the twins but before I could even touch them, they vanished like ash. I fell to my knees and started at my shaking hands

They were here. My twins were here with my mom, where did they go?

" no, no, no please, please. I-I want them back, p-please I want my children back " I cried

The pain in my cheat was real and I wanted it to be gone, it was painful to be healed. I was here inside my home with my twins, an hour ago we were just playing and everything was okay, they were smiling and laughing, we were happy! But now it's gone!

They're gone, they're gone, they're gone!

Because of me, they're gone!


"Adeline! " I woke up with a gasp, I immediately sat up and everything was dark. I couldn't breathe, my hands were shaking uncountably. Suddenly a warm body embraced me

I looked up and saw it was Derek, looking worried.

I cried when I realized this was the reality, that my twins were not alive. But instead, every day I live, grieving them.

" t-they're gone Derek. Tommy and Billy's are gone " I choked.

His hand carefully placed into my head and gently placed it on his bare chest

I sobbed and shut my eyes. Remembering their happy faces in my head that is not even real

" shh, it's okay darling. They're okay, they're in peace now " he whispered to me

his voice was comforting and soft as he tried his best to calm me down. I wrapped my arms back and placed my head on his shoulder

" i-i want my twins back " I sobbed.

Derek's hand caresses my back, placing a kiss on my temples.

" I know. Be strong for them " He continued, and I nodded my head.

For the next few hours, I was sitting inside the car while Derek was holding my hand, his thumb caressing the back of my hand as his eyes focused on the road.

It's been 4 years...

Four years and I'm still trying to rebuild my life for the better. Me and Derek are now engaged and I couldn't be happier that I am spending my time with him

His gentle, understanding, and patient with me. He was there whenever I needed him, and he helped me heal my broken heart. But even if he did, part of it is still missing, making it not whole again.

I'm now twenty-two years old and working as an architect, while Derek works as a lawyer. Even tho his busy every day, he still makes time to spend with me

We're now living in a large home in south Italy where his family lives just a few blocks away from us. Our house here is beautiful and embraces nature, the view of the blue sea, the bright growing orange, and lemons in the tree.

This is my home now

I was cut off by my throat when I felt the car stop, realizing that we were now outside the cemetery.

" ready? " he asks.

I looked at him and nodded my head with a small smile on my face

Derek came out from the car first and opened the door for me, he grabbed the flowers from the back seat and held them in his other arm while his hand held mine.

We both walk together inside the cemetery as the sunshine hits my diamond ring causing it to shine.

it's now different but beautiful

I stopped my tracks when I looked down at the two gravestones in the ground. Beside it was a large blooming tree, with flowers surrounding their graves.

Tommy Wright-Kaulitz
August 24 2***

Billy Wright-Kaulitz
August 24 2***

Tears pooled in my eyes as I stareed at their graves, Derek let go of my hand as I watched him lean down and place the flowers on top of their gravestone

" hey, son. Mommy and Daddy are here... We miss you, and I hope you continue watching over Mommy while you two are in heaven "

He spoke and placed his hand on the cold stone. I slowly walked closer and sat on the grass

" mama's here " I whispered, my voice cracked as I felt the wind blows us.

I'm sick and tired of waiting, so here is the first chapter of book 3🤧 it's breaking my heart that Adeline is going through this.

But again, I just want to remaind everyone that the pictures you'll see above my stories Is not mine!!! Clearly o got them from Pinterest do they all belong to the original creators and not me!!!

Thank you for the support and love.

Thank you for continuously this journey with me!!!!

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