bonus chapter #6

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" T-Tom, wake up, please " I begged.

Using my one hand to wake him up while the other caresses my large bump. I looked at the clock it was already midnight

Tom sleepily stirred and opened his eyes, when he saw my worried look, he immediately sat up and placed his one hand on my bump

" what is it? Are you alright Любовь? " He asks. I took a deep breath

" I think the babies are coming " I replied.

I watch Tom's expression turn into pure excitement, a big grin spread across his face as he cupped my cheek

" right now? " he asks.

I couldn't help but not to smile when I saw his reaction even though I was beginning to feel pain

Tom prepared everything for the couple 9 months. I would often see him reading books about parenting tips, and whenever I was craving food, a day at night, he would go without a complaint and

wouldn't leave without leaving me a kiss on my forehead and into my bump

He also loves placing his head beside my bump, he would talk to the twins and would often kiss it. My entire pregnancy went smoothly, and I was happy. Tom on the other side, was happier and excited

" yes," I replied. He immediately places a kiss on my cheek before getting up from the bed

he rushes to my side and takes out his both hands in front of me. I held onto it, carefully standing from the bed.

I winced when feeling the pain all over my body, I didn't imagine that labor was this painful.

"You're okay princess, are you alright to wait here while I prepare the car? " Tom asks

his voice turning into worry. I looked up at him and met his gaze as I nodded my head

I watch him rush inside our closet, taking out the hospital bag that I and Tom packed weeks ago, he walks out of our room as I begin walking slowly to change my clothes.

My bump was huge, and it's so hard to find clothes that fit me, but luckily Tom still owns his old oversized shirts. And I constantly wear them every day

As I put on my outfit, I combed my hair while looking at my reflection in the mirror. Taking deep breaths to ease the pain, I groaned quietly and leaned down at the table.

" hey-hey-hey, I'm back. I'm here Любовь " I heard Tom's voice.

And began massaging my back and lower back with his hand

" take deep breaths " He remained. I listened and did what he said

When we got inside the car, Tom made sure he lowered my passenger seat for me. I laid down

with a shuttered eye and groaning beaches of the pain. I knew Tom was more worried than I was, his caressing his right hand in my bump while he kept honking the cars that blocked his way

" do you need anything? " I heard him ask.

I extended my left hand and held his, part of me was in relief.

It's been almost two years since I married Tom. And now that his fans know about me

surprisingly they love me and continue supporting Tom, although for me it's funny how so many bunch of girls are still obsessed over my husband. But I still let him have fun.

Knowing that he'll always be forever mine.

When we arrived at the hospital, Tom grabbed a wheelchair for me and rushed to the front desk.

" Hello, how can I help you- "

" my wife is in labor " He cuts the woman off.

They rushed to me to a private hospital room and made me change to a hospital gown, after an hour. Tom didn't leave my side

He was sitting in a chair beside my bed, holding my hand, often squeezing it while looking at me worriedly.

Now that I got transferred to the hospital, the pain was getting more painful with each minute that passed by. We decided that my delivery would just gonna be a natural

Since I carried the twins for 39 weeks, they're perfectly healthy and could survive through natural birth.

Tom picked up his phone and the speaker, he stood from the chair to turn off the white lights and kept the room dimmer which helped me relax. He began playing soft ambiance music and returned to my side

"How are you feeling? " he asks.

I open my sleepy eyes and let out a small chuckle

" so tired " I replied, Tom couldn't help but not to smile, and he leaned closer to place a kiss on my forehead

" you're the most amazing and strong woman I've ever known, Adeline " he whispered, and his words made me smile


When I reached 10cm, a doctor and nurses came inside my room to start. I opened my legs wider as a tear slipped from my eyelid

I was scared, nervous, and anxious, my feelings were heretic. I tightly held Tom's hand as he kept stroking my hair back

" take a deep breath... And push! " the doctor says, I squeezed Tom's hand and shut my eyes.

" 1... 2... 3...4...5...6...7..8..9.. Good job "

I throw my head back on the pillow, crying as the pain is excruciating

" You're doing good Любовь. You did good " Tom encouraged as the doctor told me push to again, this time I couldn't help but scream. Pushing all my strength out

Then a beautiful cry filled the room. I started crying as they placed my first twin on my chest

" it's a boy! " they announced, I kept my eyes on him and smiled early.

He looks perfectly as fragile as the nurses wipe the blood off him, I look up and see Tom crying with a smile on his face

" hi T-Tommy " I whispered and placed a kiss on his head.

The nurses took him from my chest as I prepared myself to push again, Tom wiped his tears and smiled at me.

I pushed and pushed all over again, crying and sweating because of the pain. I thought I wouldn't gonna make it until the nurse said that I should open my eyes

and when I did they pulled out the other twin and held it in the air. Tom cried harder as he stared at our children

" another boy " the doctor announced

" Billy " I breathed out tiredly.

Tom leans down and places kisses all over my face

"Our twins are here, " He says.

Hiiiiii i know it's been a long time. Here's a new bonus chapter :p, I hope you enjoy it like I did. Thank you everyone for the support and love! I appriciate you all!

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