chapter 14

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" Anton Nikolai. Charge of second-degree murders, abuse, rape, sex trafficking, drug, torture, and kidnapping is sentenced to death by execution"

My dad let out a psychopathic laugh as the officers tied his arms and legs to the bed. Shivers ran down my spine as tears pooled in my eyes while I didn't cast my eyes off him, he continued laughing

Showing that he truly lost his mind.

My hand squeezed Derek's hand tightly as he sat beside me, but my eyes trailed to Tom who was sitting beside Bill, Georg, Gustav, and Kate.

While Alexander sat on my left side, he sighed and huffed the smoke from his cigarette.

" any last word? " the woman says. We watch as Anton's head turns and looks at me and Alex with a smile on his face

" Увидимся в аду "

(see you in hell)

He says, looking up in the coming as he shoots his eyes the drugs making their way to his system.

But before I can watch him die, I let go of Derek's hand and walked out of the room, I shut the door behind me and inhaled some air, making my way to the female bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror

To only see the child me, starting at myself with teary eyes and a broken smile on her face. I froze and continued staring at her

" y-you're now free " I whispered and smiled.

Wishing to tell my younger self that I'm strong, all this time, to survive the hellish world that my father gave me. I survived

Then I saw Alexander walking inside the bathroom, he threw the cigarette bud on the trashcan and sighed

" That's the greatest words I've heard for the last couple of years," He says, and I let out a small chuckle as I look down at the sink.

" What happened to Nadya? " I asked and Alex let out a snort

" she lost her mind, so I decided to transfer her instead to a secure mental hospital. But don't worry, she can't bother your life anymore " Alex responds. I turned around and faced my half-brother

" but she's your mother," I said, and he shrugged

" so? I never see her as my mother, Valentina " Alex replied. Half of me was confused as to why he was being kind to me now when all those years when I was young, he never helped me when Anton abused me.

Alex always stood in the corner, watching me with those cold eyes of his, not saying a single word.

" why are you helping me then? " I finally asked and crossed my arms in my chest as he let out a bored sigh

" I don't know... Besides, be thankful for it. Without me, I won't gonna call the cops that night to help you be rescued from that crazy doctor " He continues. Suddenly I felt my heart drop in my stomach

He was the person who called the cops... Alex saved me

" Oh, I thought you were marrying that guy named Tom? Too bad. I kept your old engagement ring and put it back to you when you were at the hospital " Alexander continues. A tear slipped from my eyelids and I wiped it away

" thank you, " I said. He smiles

" don't thank me, I'm just trying my best to survive this world for the better like you did, sister "


Days have passed. And I was just two weeks away from marrying Derek

There are some nights where I just can't sleep, thinking about everything if I was making the right choice to marry him.

Than choosing Tom

Today Kate was with me inside the car, we were both currently heading to a luxury wedding dress store like Derek told me.

She was driving the car and the entire car ride, I was silent. Looking outside in the window while my head was filled with clouded thoughts, I noticed that Kate glanced at me worried but didn't say a word... I didn't want to go, but he told me to

When we got out of the car, a woman greeted us with a big smile on her face, placing a peck on my cheeks as she shook Kate's hand

" you must be Adeline. I'm Diana, the owner, and designer of the gowns, Derek just called me earlier and booked an appointment for you, now come inside " She greeted and we walked inside the building

As I stare at the white wedding dresses around me, Diana keeps talking about what's best for me. But her voice was just muffled in my ears

Am I ready?

I thought to myself. Remembering the words Tom told me

" it's not too late, Adeline "

My hand tightly gripped the bag I owned as I looked at the diamond ring on my finger.

" here! Try this "

I stare at myself in the wide mirror. Wearing the white wedding dress that Derek had chosen for me, I swallowed the lump in my throat as Diana grinned

" Derek is such a lucky man, now I know why he loves you so much," She says. But Kate stood from the couch and gave her a tight smile

"Can you please give us a moment, please, " She says and Diana nods. She left us and shut the door

I turned to Kate and gave her a sad smile, she held and squeezed my hand

" So you still want to do this, Addie? " Kate asks while looking at me directly in my eyes

" Everyone is waiting for this moment Kate " I whispered as my voice cracked in the end.

" but are you happy? "

I stopped. Am I? Or I'm just forcing myself?

" no... "

Kate wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in a tight embrace. Caressing my back softly as I shut my eyes

" then choose what your heart tells you, Adeline. Chose yourself first than the others "

Ackkkkk I feel like we're nearing to the end!!!!

I'm already spoiling everyone with lots of chapters today, because the next few days I'll be gone

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