chapter 16

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" ready? "

I asked as I held's hand in mine tightly. He looked up at me and smiled sadly, nodding his head as I carried a bouquet in my arm while the both of us opened the car door

I look at the familiar cemetery. I smiled when I saw how sunny the sky looked today, but my heart swelled with happiness when I saw the bright rainbow up in the sky.

Tom walked beside me and held my hand, I looked at him and smiled as we both began walking on the grass

We stopped next to the two gravestones as I felt Tom's hand get weak and let mine go.

I kneeled on the ground and placed the flowers at Tommy's and Billy's grave

"Hi, baby... Look, Mommy and Daddy are now back together. We'll never gonna be apart ever again " I whispered and placed my hand a their gravestone, smiling as I felt the wind blows

I watch Tom slowly kneel on the ground, his teary eyes never leave the name carved into the stones. His tears landed on the ground

" you named them after me and my brother? " Tom says and looks up as our gaze meets, I nod my head and stand. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled

" don't be sad, Tom... I know they're happy now that you're here with me " I said softly as I reassured him.

I watched him begin taking out the car toys from the brown paper bag and placing them on the graves

He kneels and begins talking to the teens like they were here. It was heartbreaking to watch, but I know our twins are very happy in heaven.

We stayed at the cemetery for hours, watching Tom play with the cars in the stone as he smiled and continued telling them stories. Knowing that part of him is very heartbroken that he found out I lost our twins

When our time to leave came. He held my hand and smiled at me as we both turned around and walked back to our car

Tom pov

Tommy and Billy.

My head is filled with imagination about the twins, an imagination of how their life could be if both of them lived until now.

I hug Adeline's naked body closer to mine, making sure she's warm with the blanket all over us, I look down at her and place a kiss on her forehead.

Feeling the guilt eating me up.

Oh, how I wish to grow my family with her. I took a deep breath and fell asleep with her in my arms.

I was suddenly very confused as to why I was wearing a suit and a white ribbon around my neck like I was already getting married. It's not the time yet but why im-

" Daddy! "

But I immediately turned around when hearing two voices calling me. Tears filled my eyes as I watched a twins run to me.

I immediately caught them in my arms and hugged them tightly, I cried in happiness as I placed kisses all over their head

They look exactly like me and Adeline.

" T-Tommy, Billy " I choke. Placing them down on the ground as the two of them smiled up at me.

They both have so many of my features, but what I love the most is that they have Adeline's eyes

" you're both here, " I said and Billy nodded his head

" of course Daddy! Me and Tommy can't miss you and Mommy's wedding day! " He said excitedly which made me furrow my eyebrow in confusion until I looked at my hand and saw my ring was in my finger again.

I felt my chest tighten.

" yeah! I told Billy to immediately get ready because I didn't want us to miss you and Mommy's special day. " Tommy says and the twins share a look before giggling.

My heart swelled with happiness as I watched both of them. They look so happy and yet peaceful

I kneeled on the ground so my height could reach theirs, I took a deep breath as tears pooled in my eyes. I cup their cheeks

"Are you two okay? " I asked. I was worried that the two of them might be alone here, or no one was here to take care of them.

But Tommy extended his hand to wipe my tears away

" of course, Daddy, and we're not alone here... Grandma and Grandma are here with us too, they look after us, while me and Billy look after you and Mommy" He explains.

I can't help but not to smile when I realize they got their empathy more from Adeline

I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms in both of them and pulled them in a tight hug, I shut my eyes

" i-i don't want to let go," I said.

" don't worry daddy. Me and Tommy will have a baby sibling soon! "

" Tommy! You spilled our secret! "

" oops "

Before I could even I asked the twins what they meant.

I woke up and it was already morning. I looked beside me in the bed to see Adeline was nowhere to be found, but it was a great time. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and immediately dialed Bill's number

" ugh, tom! what the hell are you thinking about calling me in this time-"

" I need you today to help me pick a wedding ring for Adeline " I cut my brother off and started putting on my shirt.

There was a few seconds of silence in the other line before Bill started screaming

I winced painfully that I almost dropped the phone on the ground.

" a wedding ring? Seriously? It's time?! " he asked excitedly and I couldn't help but not to smile as my eyes landed on a picture framed of me Adeline on the bedside table

" It is the time " I replied

I'm finally gonna marry her

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