chapter 6

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I stare at myself in front of the full-body mirror while the stylist helps me put on the white dress I have to wear for the wedding ceremony

the green dress I bought from Italy is being taken care of by the designers, and I'll wear it tonight for the reception

My hair was neatly styled in a bun and the stylist put small roses in the back of my hair as a design

I put on my matching heels and I was ready. I grab the small flowers and look down at it

My hands slowly trembling, I was nervous...

I heard Tom was not going, and I was relieved. But my guts were telling something else

" Amore " Derek says.

I looked up and met his eyes, he was wearing his expensive suit and eyeglasses I smiled and walked up to him as he pulled out his hand from his pocket and wrapped it around my waist before taking me in a kiss

Arriving at the ceremony, it was absolutely beautiful and magical how the designer designed this wedding for Kate and Gustav.

My arm was locked with Derek as he talked to the other people here in the ceremony, everyone was waiting and excited. But I felt nervous

My eyes kept roaming around the place to see if he was here

" Addie? "

But I heard the familiar voice call my name. I turned around and saw Bill with Georg beside him, he looked at me with teary eyes and a smile on his face.

I didn't hesitate to run to him and wrap my arms around Bill

" you're here? " he asked in shock, I pulled away and felt a tear slip from my eye.

Since I left Bora, I never heard anything about the boys, but Bill was the most amazing person in all of them. I saw him as my brother

And until now, his my brother in heart

Georg smiled at me and took me into a hug, I chuckled when noticing that he cut his long hair already. And none of them aged, they still look the same but better than I last saw them.

Bill caught up on things with me until it was announced that the ceremony was finally gonna begin.

I watched him walk up to a guy and smile, they locked each other and faced everyone.

I took a deep breath and it was finally me and Derek's turn, slowly walking down the aisle as everyone's eyes were watching us.

Then I realized, this is the feeling of what will be on my wedding day, that everyone will watch every second of the actions

Me and Derek parted ways as he stood with the grooms.

Georg stood beside Gustav and patted his back when Georg was taking deep breaths since he was nervous.

Everyone stood from their seat and Kate slowly walked to the altar with Catherine and her dad on her sides. She held the bouquet in her hands as her gaze met Georg's

she smiled through the white veil and didn't look at anyone else but him

I can't help but not to smile as I watch how lovingly they look at each other.

Kate placed her hand on Georg and her parents placed a kiss on her temples before taking their seats, I and Bill fixed Kate's dress so she could sit properly

The pastor began his speech and I sat down on the chair with the other bridesmaids, everyone was silent and continued watching the ceremony that was happening in front of us, it was magical.

This has been Kate's dream since we were both high school students, she would talk for hours planning her future wedding

and she spent her days looking for the real guy for her. And now his sitting beside her, telling his vows

I wipe off my tears as the two share their promises before slipping on each other, and they seal their love with a kiss

I smiled as everyone cheered and clapped their hands


When we got to the reception, everything was organized. I wore my green dress and the scarf around my shoulder as Derek held my hand.

We both walk to Kate and Gustav she smiles tearfully and takes me in a hug

" congrats " I whispered and placed a peck on her cheeks

patting her back as I turned to Gustav and my surprise, he hugged me first. But It didn't stop me from hugging him back

" thank you for coming... It means everything to me and Kate " He says

I smile at the couple as Derek greets them, I hold the glass of champagne in my hands while the three of them share a conversation

At last, the party that everyone awaits begins. Half of the guests were already tipsy from their drinks as Derek pulled me onto the dance floor and I laughed when he began to dance with me.

Colorful lights flashed everywhere as Kate and Gustav danced together funnily. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Derek and stared lovingly at him

After a while, I excused myself to get a drink. I walked to the bar area and ordered one glass of red wine

" Addie! Meet my boyfriend Rowan "

I turned behind and saw Bill pulling the guy he was with earlier, I smiled and extended my arm as Rowan smiled back at me

" I've been a fan of your works Miss Adeline, it's very impressive," He says making me and Bill laugh

" thank you, and please just call me Adeline "

The three of us shared a good time as Bill explained to me that he and Rowan had just begun dating and I was very happy for the both of them

They had to excuse themselves and so I was left alone in the bar area.

I took a sip of my wine and my eyes roamed around the reception, but then my eyes landed on the person who just came


I felt my heart stopped beating when I saw him again for the first time. He wore a suit and nothing about him changed. I accidentally dropped the glass on the ground, but when I looked back.

Our gaze met

The memories we shared in the past flooded back in my mind...







It will be on the next chapter 😚😌

Bye, mwuah✨ thanks for everyone's support for my stories!!!!!

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