chapter 15

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One week left before the wedding. And Derek chose that the wedding will be here in Germany because he likes the place

He opened the front door and smiled as he greeted his family. I forced a smile on my face while wearing a dark blue navy dress, and diamond jewelry he gifted me.

I walked down the stairs and his mother immediately took me into an embrace

Florence and her husband were also there, I smiled at her and took her for a hug

" oh, I can't wait for this wedding, I'm so excited that I already called my other friends to come, " Derek's dad says and they laugh. But I didn't say anything and chose to be silent

Derek stood beside me and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his as everyone walked to the living room where we spent our nighttime together.

The entire time, I didn't say a word to them, I continued watching and listening to their conversation about the wedding which I wasn't interested

Once again, I look down at my hand and twist the engagement ring, nearly taking it off from my finger.

" Are you alright? "

But then I looked up when I heard Derek ask me, forcing a smile on my face, and nodded my head in response. He smiled and placed a kiss on my temples

" oh, have you already chosen a wedding dress, dear? I bought my old wedding dress for you to try on if you want " His mom says and smiles at me as Florence scrunches her face

" no Mom, her wedding dress is already amazing and it suits the style of their wedding " She retorts

But as long as they continued talking, the longer their voice got muffled in my ears.

A few hours later, I found myself inside the kitchen, washing the dishes in the sink as the cold air filled the room. I chose to be alone for a while, probably thinking about my decisions again, until

" Adeline... Come with me "

Derek says as I notice the sad smile on his face but he doesn't break eye contact with me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiped my wet hands with the rag

He grabbed my hand and locked his fingers to mine, pulling me out of the house as he took me into the garden.

Derek only stopped when we stood beneath the arch, I faced him, confused as to why I was seeing the tears that pooled in his eyes. He smiled at me, but his smile showed pain behind it

I cupped his both cheeks and furrowed my eyebrows in worry

" what's wrong? " I asked softly.

Derek held my hand and embraced my touch while not breaking his gaze.

" A-Adeline, I know I'm not the only man that you loved... I knew all this time that it was Tom that you still wanted. I stayed just because I wanted to be with you, but now I know that it's impossible because- I know you'll choose him in the end "

My heart shattered into a million pieces when hearing the pain and sadness in his voice. He gently held my hand and lowered it

I watched his other hand remove the engagement ring from his finger and place it in my palm

He closed my hand and looked up at me

"Choose what your heart is telling you... Go and marry the man that you love, Adeline " His voice cracked in the end but Derek still chose to smile

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt my hands begin shaking while his still holding it

" b-but what about you- "

" do not worry about me, my love " He cut me off and used his thumb to wipe off the tears In my cheeks

" I'll be happy, Adeline. Because I'm thankful that you were the first woman in my life who made me feel what love feels like "

I didn't waste time wrapping my arms around him and crying in his chest. Derek's hand gently caressed my back, trying to reassure me but I wish he knew how my heart was aching for him.

" I'm sorry " I cried

" shh, Adeline. "

" I-I'm doing what's best for you, and I'm doing this because I want you to choose your happiness... Y-yes it hurts me very much, but I know Adeline- i-i know that you still loved Tom the day you accepted my proposal "

Derek looked down at me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I shut my eyes and didn't want to let him go, wrapping my arms tight around him but he chose to hold them and let himself go...

" I love you, Adeline "

He whispered.

I opened my eyes to see Derek smiling at me one last time

I watch him turn around and walk away, wiping his tears off as I look down at my palm and stare at the engagement ring.

I turned to the other way and ran away.

With each step I take, my heart pounding harder in my chest. I called a taxi and immediately sat inside, the driver nodded and drove to the place where I wanted to be

Time passed and I walked out of the taxi, as I looked up at the old but familiar apartment building. Tears wet my cheeks but I smiled and made my way inside

I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. But after a few seconds, Tom opened the door and his face turned into a surprise when he saw me

I cupped his cheeks and crushed my lips to his

" I love you, I love you, I love you " I whispered through our kiss

Tom wrapped his arms around me and pulled me inside our home. Crushing my back in the wall as he held me. Feeling his hit tears roll down in his cheeks

I decided to chose my happiness
And the only person who can bring my happiness back is Tom...




(Ps. I continued listening to Photograph by Ed Sheeran while writing this and omg its amazing!!!!)

I'm happy that Adeline and Tom's story ended here 😌

But wait. It doesn't end here


I want to thank all of my fans here at The Adeline Series. So much of you decide to stay and continue this journey with me, to those 2k reads who stayed, thank you. I'm forever grateful that some of you are still making it until the end

thank you everyone

And I hope you're liking Adeline and Tom's love story so far.

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