chapter 10

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" that will be 263.54 euros, ma'am, " The counter guy says, I smile and nod my head, opening my bag as I grab my wallet.

Noticing that the counter guy with the name 'Rex' has been glancing at me a few times already

" here " I replied in German as I handed him my money

" uh— my name is Rex, by the way, nice to meet you " The guy introduced himself and took out his hand in front of me, I smiled a little but as I shook his hand

" Adeline, nice to meet you as well " I replied as he began putting the stuff I bought inside the brown paper bag

" that's a lovely name. I've never seen you around here, your new? " he continued asking and I can't help but not to chuckle

" you can say that " I replied and took my change from his hand

a smirk formed on his face as Rex didn't cast his eyes off me

"Can I get your number? Perhaps? " he then asks, and I already knew that the conversation was gonna ended up here so I raised my hand to show him my engagement ring

which made Rex's face entirely red in embarrassment

" I'm an engaged woman, Rex " I acknowledge which makes him look away

"I-'m sorry, I have no idea " he stuttered making me laugh as I grabbed the brown paper bag and carried it with my arm

" nice to meet you," I said and left the grocery store.

I stood outside near the road, taking out my phone from my bag as I called Derek's number

It rang for a minute but it ended up in a voice message, so I called again but he wasn't answering any of my calls, I sighed in frustration. He told me he was going to pick me up after I bought us grocery

But then to my surprise, a black matte sports car stopped next to me, I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion, trying to remember why this car was familiar to me, the door opened and Tom came out.

Wearing the same style and corn crows in his head

I felt my throat go dry when I saw him again.

He walks up to me with a small smirk on his face as his eyes never leave mine, feeling my heart pound hard inside my chest, I didn't know why he was making me feel this way

" H-Hi? " I said that made him let out a small chuckle

" let me help you with that, " Tom says and takes the heavy brown paper bag from my arms, I was gonna protest that I can do it but he already took it. I swallowed the lump in my throat

" why are you here? Do you need anything inside the store? " I confusedly asked, and Tom shook his head

" no... Your fiancee called me to pick you up, he said he'll be quite busy so I'm here to take you instead " He explained and smiled, part of me was shocked that Derek talked to him.

I watch him open the trunk and place my groceries inside

As he walks to the passenger seat and opens the car, looking at me and laughs

"Are you only gonna stand there and stare at me, Adeline? " He said, using his teasing voice that made my cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

I immediately walked to his car and took a seat in the passenger seat

I heard him chuckle again before shutting the car door.

I placed the seatbelt around me and looked around the black sports car that he always used, I kinda missed the feeling of sitting inside his car

A small smile formed on my face when I remembered the nights when Tom took me out on a night drive years ago. He sat inside and began driving

I glanced at him, noticing that he didn't have his seatbelt on. I cleared my throat

" you should put your seatbelt on, " I said, breaking the awkward air between us

" seatbelt? I don't wear them at all, pretty girl " Tom responded and made eye contact with me.

I felt my heart skip a beat when hearing the nickname he used to call me 'pretty girl'. The memories of us dating, in the beginning, came flashed back in my mind, I sucked in a breath before leaning closer to him

Taking the seatbelt in my hand to realize that our faces were just a few inches away, my breath hitched and I froze. His gorgeous eyes trailed down to my lips, but before something could happen between us

I sat back in my seat and locked his seatbelt. I immediately look away, trying to hide the redness of my face

The both of us didn't talk for a while and it was very awkward to me. Until Tom spoke

" Are you sure about marrying him? " His voice changed.

I could hear the slight pain and sadness when he said those words, I got silent for a while and looked down at the ring in my hand.

" i-i don't—... Yes "

I lied.

Tom looks at me. Knowing that I lied

" then why are you forcing yourself to be married to a man you don't love? " He asks shattering my heart in pieces

tears pooled in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I looked up at him and met his eyes

"Because I promised him... Because I thought you not coming back " My voice broke at the end as Tom took a deep breathe took my left hand

taking it up as he placed a kiss on my knuckles

" you still have time to think about it, Adeline. It's not too late " Tom said and I shook my head

" It's not easy like what you think. His family loves me, his friends accepted our relationship a long time ago, and I'm afraid I'll hurt him deeply. " I explained since it was the truth

I was scared of what his family gonna think about it because I grew closer to each one of them

I was scared of how his friends were gonna react when finding out that I decided to end my relationship with Derek but now everyone was excited for our wedding, just one month away...

" you're more concerned about how they'll feel. But what about you? They'll be happy that you'll marry him, but are you? " Tom continues

using his thumb to caress the skin of my hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away

" you're letting yourself be locked in a marriage because you're choosing what other people will feel... But not what yourself is saying " 

And Tom was right

Do you think Adeline will ended up marrying Derek in the end?😌🍂

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