chapter 2

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It was a sunny day here in Italy and I was out shopping with Derek's older sister, Florence, as we both explored the streets and small stores here in the town.

I was wearing my simple outfit today as the black sunglasses that Derek bought me to block the sunlight from shining in my eyes

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I was wearing my simple outfit today as the black sunglasses that Derek bought me to block the sunlight from shining in my eyes.

" you know, we should start looking for your wedding dress, my and my friend know a lot of good designers here in Italy " Florence explains and I can't help but not to let out a small laugh

" calm down, he just proposed to me months ago, I won't want to rush things with him " I replied and Florence smiled at me

" you have a point. But I know how Derek will be very lucky to have you " She adds

my cheeks went red and I smiled at her. We both looked at the small local cafe and decided to go in to grab a coffee

Me and Florence sat together outside at the seats and waited for our order, it was a good sunny day for me since I've been busy this past couple of days with work and projects that I have to submit for my clients.

Derek today is just finishing one of his cases and he promised me that he'll come when his done

I couldn't help but not feel excited that I was going to see him again

Derek took me with him to Italy when I needed help since he already graduated from his second semester in college in LA

he decided that he wanted to continue his studies in Italy. He was gentle and a loving best friend

He always smiles which makes me feel better, he knows what I want and doesn't want.

He gave me time to heal myself again, after two years of staying with him. I realize we're both falling in love, so I tried again

And he didn't disappoint me. He was nervous at first since Derek always tells me that he doesn't want to hurt me at all, but I understand him. We went slow at first

but he was a very sweet and caring guy who would take me out every once a week to celebrate the beginning of our relationship

He came from a wealthy family I'm here in Italy, they are very known. His grandparents own a vineyard and sell wines, his mom is a nurse and his dad is a businessman

his older sister Florence married a wealthy guy from the Netherlands and they are starting to build their own family, his other brother is a surgeon and his wife is a designer

Even though their family is wealthy, they accepted me and our relationship, and they were more open and welcoming to us.

I love Derek because he is, and I was not after their money or heritage and everyone knows it.

But after we announced our engagement, Derek began to spoil me with many stuff and I had to remind him that I didn't need that lot of stuff, but still. He knows I appreciate him

Our coffee arrived and I continued listening to Florence.

But a large smile spread across my face when I noticed the familiar car parked on the side of the street

" excuse me," I said and stood from my seat

leaving my bag on the table as I ran to Derek with a smile on my face

He came out from the car, wearing a navy blue Saint Laurent polo shirt, black slacks, and a black shoe.

" Hello, Tesoro " Derek greeted me and wrapped his arms around me

pulling me closer to his chest as I wrapped mine behind Derek's neck and stared at his eyes

He cupped my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled and attacked him, making him chuckle and embrace me tightly

" how's your day, hm? " he asked when he pulled away

he kept his one arm around my waist and locked his car with the key as we both walked back to Florence

" it was good, my love. I ordered your favorite coffee " I said

and he took the other chair from our table and pulled it beside me so he could sit close to me. Florence smiled at us and sat back on the chair

" ahh thank you," he said and took a so of coffee.

I smiled and took a seat, my fingers locking with his as I removed my sunglasses and placed them down on the table

" I'm jealous, my husband is away for his business and yet Derek can still make time for you " Florence teased and I laughed

" of course, I made sure I finished my case as soon as possible, so I could keep my promise to her, " he said cheekily and placed a kiss on my cheek

My heart swelled with happiness whenever Derek was beside me and giving me his effect that I would never gonna get tired of calling the waiter and the three of us chose our meal for lunch

After a while, I let the two siblings have their conversation. I sat back into the chair and looked down at our closed hands, Derek's finger twisted and playing with the shining diamond ring he gave me when he proposed, it was a habit of him

I swallowed the lump in my throat, because whenever I look down at a new ring. I often think about Tom

It was not easy for me to move on, and it wasn't easy for me to forget him, the things we shared, and the moments we had in our past lives.

I sometimes think about how is he doing nowadays. I stopped hearing about then it their band when I left Germany and moved to Italy.

I don't want to hear anything about him, but part of me wants to know how is he now.

I didn't want to hear anything about Tom because whenever I think about him or even remember the sound of his voice in my head, all I could think about was an imagination of Vanya on top of him that night.

How he easily cheated on me like that? And how Vanya easily lured him into her?

" darling, are you alright? "

I snapped out from my thought when I heard Derek's sincere voice, I look up at him and met his worried eyes. I put a smile in my face and cupped his cheek

" of course "

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