chapter 9

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I chose not to leave Germany, even though Derek has business meetings in Italy and the US, he chose to stay here with me for a while.

It was midnight and I stayed up late here inside the house we rented, my eyes focused on the screen, a bunch of papers stacked on the table while a coffee was untouched beside me.

Suddenly my mind thought about Tom again, I still couldn't process the words he told me the other night

I believed him that it was the truth, and yet something inside of me was missing his presence so much.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands, tears were threatening to fall as I could feel the pain rising in my chest whenever I thought about him.

" Darling, I just called the wedding planner and they told me that our wedding can be moved to next month " but hearing Derek's voice

I immediately sat straight and fixed myself, seeing my fiancee walk inside the dining room with a smile on his face

He's been very excited about our wedding

I forced a smile on my face as he walked up to me and placed a kiss on my head

" that's g-good " I replied and looked away. The wedding, am I ready to marry him?

Derek has been so nice and loving toward me, he healed my broken heart and helped me fix my life again. But now that Tom has come

everything seems to slowly change. He furrowed his eyebrow and cupped my cheeks

"Are you alright darling? You seemed stressed and worried " He asks, I take a deep breath and look down at my hand to see the engagement ring he gave me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, holding back the tears that had been wanting to fall

" D-Don't worry about me, amore " I said, a small smile formed on his face as he placed a kiss on my cheek

" we can go back to Italy and I'll help you pick up your wedding dress, we can start designing our wedding invitation, the guests, the place- oh! I know a great place where we can get married, darling " Derek continues. But his voice was beginning to be muffled in my ears

I didn't cast my eyes off at the engagement in my finger. Am I really ready?

I can't help but not to shut my, eyes when hearing Tom's words play in my mind, I grab my stuff and leave the dining room.


" darling, Adeline. We're here "

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep through the car ride until I heard Derek's voice gently tapping my shoulders. I opened my eyes and adjusted my vision

" let's go, they're probably waiting for us " He continued and I nodded my head.

Our driver parked the car on the side of the street Derek came out first and opened the car door for me

I removed my coat and placed it on my arm as I placed my hand on Derek, I looked up to see the house that Kate and Gustav bought.

They invited us to their house for lunch to celebrate one week after their marriage

I raised my hand and knocked on the door. I felt Derek squeeze my hand as the door opened and Kate grinned when seeing it was us, she didn't waste time to wrap her arms around me tightly and pulled me into a tight embrace

I smiled and hugged her back. Pulling away to see Gustav walking out of their his and greeting my fiance

" I'm so happy you came! Come inside and feel at home! Bill and Rowan are in the kitchen, they're almost finished preparing the food " Kate explained and pulled me inside her house

It was simple but yet big, I was confused as to why they bought a large house when it was only two of them living together. But I can truly see how Kate is happy with Gustav, Derek looks around and smiled

The two men begin having a conversation about furniture and stuff, typical men's conversations that we women aren't interested

So I smirked at Kate as she pulled me to the kitchen where Bill's face lit up and attacked me with a hug, the friends were there, and even Georg who was busy on his phone.

Suddenly I felt the urge to use the bathroom, so I excused myself from the group and looked for the bathroom myself

But suddenly I heard someone playing a guitar inside the living room which made me stop in my tracks.

Tom's soft voice began singing a song that I never heard before. But the longer I listened, I realized that the lyric was about me

I stood in the doorway, staring and watching him silently as he didn't notice me. Tom was sitting in a chair, His eyes were focused on the guitar he was holding in his arm, and his voice continued singing I often noticed that he was furrowing his eyebrow

Now that he finished it. I took a step inside the living room and smiled

"That was a good song, you wrote it? " I asked making Tom look up and our eyes met, he placed the guitar down gently took a deep breath, and nodded his head

" I did... Sorry, I didn't notice you were here " He apologized, placing my bag down on the couch, and took a seat. Furrowing my eyebrow at him

"There's nothing to apologize about Tom. And also, I like the song " I said that made him smile.

" Thanks. I wrote it about you, hope you don't mind " He responded as I watched him stand and take a seat beside me, I smiled back

" it was great, " I say. Tom didn't say anything but only stared at me with those eyes of his, and it started to make me feel nervous.

His face was slowly getting closer to mine, and at this point, I couldn't think about anything but him. My face started getting closer to his so that our lips was just a few inches away from touching each other

My heart pounded hard inside my chest. And suddenly he crushed his lips to mine

Everything stopped and I forgot what surrounded us, my lips kissing him back hungrily. The kiss that I've been desiring, the kiss that could change everything

I felt Tom pull away and cup my cheek I opened my eyes and met his gorgeous brown eyes

" be mine again, Adeline " He whispered

Y'all what do you guys think? Should Adeline and Tom really should get back together?

Should Adeline leave Derek and follow what her heart says?

(Ps. I was writing this chapter while at school lol, so I hope some of you enjoys it)

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