chapter 3

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I laughed loudly as Derek and I rode our bike together in our field

" I'm gonna get you! " I heard him shout making my excitement grow in my chest

" no, you won't! " I shouted back and continued paddling my bike as I heard him near behind me

I screamed in excitement as he went beside me and held my arm

" let go! " I yelled and tried to hit his arm as Derek laughed with me.

We were both biking behind our house in Italy, a field where my garden grows, the trees swing with the air, and where we get our fresh oxygen.

Derek stopped our bike in the corner as I continued giggling, He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist

gazing lovingly into my eyes before crushing his lips to mine

I squealed and my cheeks turned red, I attacked him back and wrapped my arms behind his neck

closing my eyes as I felt his glasses pressed into my face but I didn't mind, he looked more handsome with his glasses on

But we heard a nearby car coming, I pulled away from our kiss and we saw that it was the delivery guy, I smiled as Derek let me go

" Ciao Antonio! C'è posta per noi? " I speak in Italian as the delivery guy Antonio comes out from his car with a smile on his face

(Hello Antonio! Any mail for us?)

" Buongiorno, Signora Fleming! Certo, ho un sacco di mail per te e Derek. Qui " he greets

and opens the trunk of his car, takes out a few of the emails and walking over to me

I take it from his hand and it is just letters and emails from our friends and business partners

(Good day, Mrs. Fleming! Sure is, I got a stack of emails for you and Derek. Here)

" Questo è molto. Grazie, Antonio " I said as I heard Derek's footsteps coming near us.

(This is a lot. Thank you, Antonio)

" La tua benvenuta Adeline, assicurati di inserirmi nella tua lista degli invitati al matrimonio " Antonio says and waves us before leaving.

I felt my entire face go red and Derek chuckled behind me

(You welcome Adeline, make sure you list me in your wedding guest list)

Me and Derek walked back inside our house I took off my hat and placed it down on the coffee table. He was starting to make our lunch while I was looking at the mail when my phone rang

I picked it up and saw an unknown caller's name on my screen, I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion about who this might be

"Hello? "

I said, and there was a few seconds of silence in the other line

" A-Adeline... It's me, it's Kate "

My heart skipped a beat when hearing her voice after a long time of not seeing or talking to each other. I never forget Kate

even after this year of being apart from each other, we stopped communicating after things got busy around us

" I just want to call you because- Me and Gustav are getting married this week and- I-I want you to be my bride of honor. If that's okay " She continues

One tear slipped from my eye as I looked down at the ground

"Oh, When's the date? " I asked, I didn't know what to say.

I didn't want to go because I knew Tom would be there, in one place with me, I wasn't ready to face him, now that I'm happy with Derek and building my new life

I'm afraid that if I saw his face once again, the pain and memories will come back

But Kate is very special to me, and I didn't even know that she and Gustav are still together after four years, but I'm happy for her, and she deserves to be happy too with Georg

" July 25... I'm hoping you will come, you can take Derek with you and we won't gonna mind... As long as you are there, I'm happy- Mom and Uncle Steve miss you a lot, we all do Addie" I heard the sadness in her voice as she told those words to me

"I-it been four years since I last saw you, I have no one else to talk to when I needed you the most, it's been so different now that you're away Addie " Kate continues as I shut my eyes and felt my tears roll down in my cheeks

" Please, come to my wedding day "


Time has passed and me and Derek are currently eating together, he cooks pasta and bread for us, and as usual, it's delicious. Derek has been a good cook since he was a teenager

I cleared my throat and looked up at him

"Love, you remember Kate, right? " I begin, Derek looks at me and smiles

" of course, I had classes with her when we were still in high school. Why, darling? " He asks and places his hand to mine on the table

" She called me earlier... She invites us to her wedding day this week " I explained

" well, that's great! I would love to go with you " He replies.

I smiled sadly at him and Derek slowly frowned before cupping my cheek

" what's wrong? What's bothering you amore? " he asks and I take a deep breath, as I hold his hand

" i-i don't know if I want to go. But I want to, it's just- Tom will be there, you know " I said quietly

I thought Derek was gonna be upset

Instead, he stood from his seat and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he placed his head down on my shoulder

"Amore, no one is forcing you. I understand but Kate is your friend too, you haven't seen her and your family for years. And even if your ex is there, I'll still be by your side " He said softly and placed a kiss on my cheek

I calmed down when hearing his words, and smiled at him. I looked up and met his eyes

" I love you," I said. His smile grew and his cheeks turned pink

" And I love you more than anything, my Adeline "

I miss my girl Kate 🤧

Anyways what do you guys think? How the wedding will turn out? How's Tom? And what will Adeline feel seeing her ex?

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