bonus chapter #5

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2:01 am and everyone was already sleeping soundly until Adeline felt a pain.

She opened her eyes and it took her a few seconds to adjust to her vision, she extended her arms and opened the lamp on the bedside table.

Another pain came through and this time she shut her eyes because of the pain

She placed her hand down on her bump and felt something was wrong

" T-Tom " she called and tried to wake him up.

But Adeline stood from their bed and rushed to the bathroom, she kneeled on the floor and threw up, her both hands gripping the seats so right that it could break at any second

She groaned when she felt another pain. What's happening? She thought to herself.

Adeline felt worried, she was scared and stressed that something bad happened to their baby.

Her hands begin trembling as thoughts begin to cloud her mind, she caresses her bump and cries. Both in fear and pain

Tom woke up when he heard cries. It alerted him, and he immediately got out of bed when he noticed that Adeline was no longer in sight

he rushed to the bathroom where he saw the door and lights open. His eyes widen when he sees his wife

Sitting on the ground beside the toilet, crying and clenching her hand on her bump.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong, shh... Calm down, what's wrong love " Tom rushes and immediately cupped her cheeks to see what's wrong. He tucks the strands of her hair behind her ear and he can't calm himself down

Adeline looked up and met his worried eyes

" i-it hurts- the baby " she choked.

Tom didn't waste time, wrapping his arms around his wife and carrying her in a bridal style.

He rushes out of their room and walks downstairs where Milo begins following them and whines.

He grabbed his car keys and their stuff, opened the car door, and made sure that the passenger seat was extended in the back before placing Adeline down

" shh, everything gonna be alright princess. Deep breaths- I won't gonna let anything bad happen to you and our baby " Tom whispered shaking, as he grabbed the seatbelt and locked it.

The entire car ride, he was anxious. He would glance at her every second while trying to speed up his driving, honking the cars that moved in front of him, he looked down at her to see if she was okay.

" you'll be okay, princess " he continued and didn't let go of her hand.

When he parked the car outside the hospital, Adeline wrapped her both arms behind his neck as he carried her inside. Talking to the nurses as they rushed her to the emergency room

The room was dim and quiet, Adeline lay in the hospital bed, and Tom sitting in a chair beside her. They were both worried, as the nurse prepared the equipment for the ultrasound. Tom held her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles

" everything will be okay " He softly says

and caresses her head as Adeline nods her head, the pain slightly away but it was best if they checked their baby right away

As the nurse squeezed the bottle the cold gel was placed in her bump, Adeline squeezed Tom's hands as he stood and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The nurse pressed down the monitor and looked at the screen

Adeline sniffled as their eyes were both focused on the screen. After a while, two black dots appeared on the screen and a smile spread across the nurse's face. Tears filled Tom's eyes as he stared at their baby

" i-is everything alright? " She asks and the nurse nods her head, gently pressing down the monitor more to get a clearer look

"See, that babies are fine. They're healthy and perfect " The nurse responded and Adeline smiled as she looked over to Tom who had a confused face

" babies? "

"Yes, Mr. Kaulitz, you and Mrs. Kaulitz are expecting twins! " The nurse says.

Adeline cried as Tom placed a kiss on her forehead, squeezing her hand as they both looked into each other's eyes

" Tommy and Billy " He whispered as Adeline nodded her head and wiped her tears away. Words couldn't express how happy the two couples were

" altho it's the best if you don't stress yourself for a while. Don't just do heavy things, and relax " The nurse continued and Tom made sure he listened to her words carefully.

"Can we listen to their heartbeat? " Adeline asked and the nurse nodded. After a while of waiting, Tom took out his phone and began recording everything

Bump. Bump. Bump

She smiled, she couldn't cast her eyes off the screen, seeing the two little white dots. That's their twins

" Don't be scared mama, the twins are in perfect hands. The pain is probably caused by stress and anxiety, but it's best if we go under checkups every month " The nurse says.

As Tom went with her, she explained some things and gave him files about babies and pregnancy milestone

Adeline held the ultrasound picture in her hand and carefully stroked the picture with her finger

" love, let's go "

She look up to see Tom holding a wheelchair outside the door, she laughs and get off from the bed. Tired, sleepy but at the same time, thrilled with happiness

" I can walk Tom, it's not like- " but before she can finish her sentence.

Tom pulled her hand and carefully made her sit in the wheelchair. She can't help but not to roll her eyes and cross her arms in her chest

" I already bought you some vitamins for you and for the baby, files, books, and stuff " Tom begin as they went to the elevator and waited for the door to open.

Adeline looks down at her bump and placed down her hand to it.

" we're having Tommy and Billy " she mumbled and look up to her husband who's smiling back at her. He took her hand and place a kiss on her knuckles

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