bonus chapter #3

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A few months later

" I threw up again this morning, which has been happening to me for a couple of days, and now I'm leaving so many sweets " I argued and looked down at the strawberry ice cream in my hand and sighed

Today, I and Kate are out together in a mall, Bill wants to come but since it's just us girls' day, he won't gonna understand what Kate says about pregnancy

Kate hummed as she looked at the baby clothes hanging on the rack, I'm currently with her today to buy stuff for her and Gustav's first baby, and she's now 7 months pregnant.

Kate has been more glowy throughout her pregnancy, and we just found out that they'll have a baby girl

And very excited to be an aunt for the first time and also to be a godmother.

" and then this morning Tom told me why I'm so moody, which made me angry at him so I gave him a silent treatment for hours! " I continue and eat my ice cream as Kate lets out a chuckle

" you're pregnant ," She says

I stopped in my tracks and my jaw fell on the floor, I started at her with widened eyes which made Kate laugh

"What? " she asked and shrugged her shoulders. I looked down at my stomach and placed my hand on it

" no way " I whispered. As I begin feeling nervous, am I pregnant?

" girl. Do tom ever wear protection? " Kate asks and I swallow the link in my throat

" never " I responded

" then it's best if we go to the pharmacy store and buy a pregnancy test " She explained. And I didn't hesitate to pull her with me out of the store to go to the pharmacy

As Kate waited for me outside the store, the woman at the counter kept glancing at me as she punched the box and put it inside the brown paper

" hey, you're Adeline Kaulitz, right? Can I take a picture of you? I've been a fan of Tom since years ago " The woman spoke excitedly as I smiled at her and nodded my head

She took out her phone from her pocket and I smiled at the picture as I paid for the pregnancy test and left. When I dropped off Kate to their house, I came back to the apartment and opened the door

"Hi, Milo! " I said as our golden retriever dog wiggled his tail when he saw me

Milo barked and I laughed. I pet his head and look around the apartment to where Tom could be

Until I saw a red flower and a note on the kitchen counter, I walked closer to it and read the message

' my pretty girl.
I'm sorry if I upset you this morning, but when you got home, I just want to tell you that I'm out with Bill to watch a sports car event, but don't worry. I'll be back home soon for you - xoxo'

A smile spread across my face as I finished reading his letter, I looked up to see the large Christmas tree that Tom just finished decorating yesterday.

It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I was wondering what to gift him.

Until my eyes trailed down to my stomach and I let out a shaky sigh as I headed back to our bedroom and sat on the toilet

Waiting 3 minutes was the longest minutes I could ever wait in my life. I took a deep breath as the test was between my closed hand

" Tommy, Billy... If you wish to have a sibling, please say yes " I whispered in the air after opening my eyes.

Twins 1-3

Tears immediately pooled in my eyes as I jumped around the bathroom, I checked the test again to see if I was just seeing things, but it was clear what the test says

I cried in happiness as I continued staring at the positive test in my shaking hands.


" babe, are you coming?! " I heard Tom shout outside

I grin and put the last tape on the gift box before getting up from the bed as Milo barks at me and wiggles his tail

" shh " I whispered to him, placing my finger on my lips as he barked again and followed me to go outside

It was now Christmas Eve and we're gonna have a dinner tomorrow, where our family and friends were coming. Tom and I wear the same Christmas pajamas I giggled when I saw that her have his digital camera out again

We both took a seat beside the Christmas tree as I watched Tom lit the lights and smiled. He sat in front of me as we both began giving each other presents

But the special box stays beside me first, because I plan to give it to him when we are finished.

Milo sat close to us as we also let him open his gift which was a bunch of togs and packed treats. I opened some of Tom's gifts most of them were clothes, make-up, jewelry, and nightgowns

We only have one more gift to give each other and he smiles at me

" for you, my pretty girl," He says and hands me the box. I begin testing off the gift wrapper and open the lid of the box

To see a stack of letters inside, I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion to see that it had different dates back years ago. I look up at him and he picks up my other hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles

" Those letters are very special. I wrote five hundred letters to you during those 4 years until I finally saw you again " He explained. I put the box down and threw my arms around him

" thank you for waiting, Tom " I whispered in his ear as I tightly wrapped my arms and he placed a kiss on my cheek

" anything for you, " Tom says. I pulled away and finally grabbed the small box beside me I gave it to him

I watch him open it and pull out the positive test from the box. At first, he didn't know what it was, until he read what it said and gasped

Tears pooled in his eyes as he looked up at me with a shocked expression

" we're having a baby? "

Hi everyone😊🌸 I know some of us don't like pregnancy trope, but there will be chapters were Adeline is pregnant, and there will be chapters during her pregnancy, and BEFORE or AFTER her pregnancy. But don't worry, I'll out a remainder hehe

This is originally my first idea for Bonus Chapter 1. But I thought it's such a rush to publish this, so it's now Bonus Chapter 3. So enjoy hehe😊🤗

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