chapter 7

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Vanya pov (4 years ago)

I was outside the suite when I heard Tom and Adeline begin to fight because of me.

I can't help but not to smirk and hide outside as I continue hearing them shouting at each other

My plan was now working and this was the right time where I take what's mine.

I've been in love with Tom since years ago, I'm his number one fan and even though he didn't know I existed, I worked myself just to meet him. I work in a bar so Gustav can meet me, I lured him and even he use me like a fucktoy

I didn't care. At least I made it, and when I saw Tom with this girl named Adeline

I realize how failure I am

How can she easily meet him like that? When I spent years trying to make him meet me.

I despised her, I hated everything about her but I hid my pain and jealousy from them. Sending that cane for his birthday, I thought they were gonna fight, but it turns out it didn't do anything

So I know I have to think of a plan that will ruin their relationship

I followed her to Bora Bora and lied that my parents kicked me out.

It was painful to see their sweet moments together while I was in front of them, it made me crazy to see Tom I love with another woman who's not me

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and I watched secretly as Tom walked away

hearing Adeline's cries and sob inside their suite. I didn't waste a time to follow him

He went to a bar and sat in the chair alone, he placed his head down and groaned quietly

" T-Tom? " I called

He then looked up and met my eyes. I smiled at him

" yeah? Do you need something? " he asks

I pull out the other chair and place it right next to him as I sit down, not looking away from him, I shake my head

" no, uh- since we didn't get enough time, just the both of us. I was wondering if you want to go and grab a drink with me. " I offered and Tom let out a sigh

" yeah we can do that "

And I was glad he did. I bit my lip to contain my smile, grabbing his hand as I pulled him up with me.

Finally, I get to touch him, the touch of him that I've been craving so bad

We got to the nearest bar I could find and pulled him to a seat, he chuckled and I ordered a bucket of beer.

" let's have fun tonight... Just you and me " I said and started dancing in front of him with the music, Tom smiled at me and luckily our beers finally arrived.

I popped one open and handed it over to him

I notice that he looks down at it, unsure.

" come on, just tonight. I promise it's gonna be fun " I continued.

He took it and immediately took a sip, I cheered as I grabbed mine and started drinking with him

After a while. When Tom wasn't looking, I grabbed another bottle of beer and secretly placed the pill inside of it, My plan of making him drunk was successful

I sat beside him and watched Tom with a smirk on my face as he sat in the chair, completely drunk and fuzzy.

I look down at the time and it's been a few hours already, I grab him and put his arm around my shoulder, supporting him as we both walk back to his suite

"Adeline.. Addie "

He calls drunkenly, I look down at the ground. Even though I already spent so much time with him, he still thinks about her.

But I'll change it soon enough

I place him down on his bed and slowly, I begin taking off my clothes and his.

"Tom" I purred. He tried to open his eyes, but the pill was already making him feel something else.

I mimicked Adeline's voice as I crawled into the bed and sat on top of him, I began taking off his belt and boxers. Wrapping my hands around his cock

As I pulled out his phone and dialed Adeline's number

" h-hello? " I heard her trembling voice on the other line

I place his phone on the bed and slide his cock inside of me, I there my head back and moaned

" hmm Tom, f-fuck your so big "


I thought I finally had him until I heard crashing around the place, sounds were everywhere, I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed, pulling the cover up to my naked chest. My eyes widened when I saw how ruined the suite was now

The chairs were flipped upside down, the tables were broken, and the vases were shattered in the ground. Everything was destroyed

My eyes landed on Tom, he was sitting on the bed, and his body was shaking.

"Adeline... Adeline, Adeline... No- no no no no " he keeps muttering.

I furrowed my eyebrow and extended my arm as I touched his shoulder but to my shock.

He immediately turned around and faced me, slapping me across my face as I stared at him in shock.

His eyes were so dark, and I never saw him so angry like this... Like he can already kill me in a second

Fear washes over me

"What was that for?! " I argued and placed my hand on my cheek, feeling the bringing sensation on my face

" fuck you " he growls and points the gun at my head

I felt sick when I saw him, I immediately walked out and headed to the bathroom as fast as I could. Feeling my heart break into pieces as I remember the faces of my twins when seeing Tom

I shut the door behind me and locked it, closing my eyes as tears streamed down to my face. I thought he was not gonna come, I thought I was ready to face him.

After all this time, I'm moving on from him, from the pain he caused me, but now everything has come back...

I walked to the sink and placed my. purse down on the counter, looking at my reflection in the mirror

Tears pooled in my eyes.


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