bonus chapter #1

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" Tom, where are you even taking me? " I asked between my giggles

as Tom held my hand tightly and pulled me out of our apartment building

He locked his ginger to mine and took out his car key to open his car. It was almost midnight and I was confused about where Tom was taking me since he told me just to get ready.

He wore one of his baggy jeans, oversized t-shirt, and the white silky cloth wrapped around his forehead

He smiled and placed a kiss on my knuckles.

" you'll see " He replied and opened the passenger door for me.

I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead before sitting inside and putting my seat belt on.

It's been two weeks and I'm very happy to announce that I and Tom are already a wedded couple, we just returned from our honeymoon in Paris and now we're back in Germany.

Their band is currently planning to have a tour concert in Australia in four days, and I'm very excited to watch him again on the stage

Tom sat in his seat and before I could let him drive, I leaned closer to him and grabbed his seatbelt, pulling it close and locking it on the side of his seat, he smiled at me and placed his right hand on my thigh

He turns on the radio and begins driving. The windows are rolled down as the cold, breezing air winds I did the car, but luckily I wore one of his oversized jackets tonight.

My married life with Tom has been perfect.

And I couldn't ask for anything else than to be with him. I grinned and placed my arms on the window, placing my head on it and washing as the street light passed by. Tom and I were planning to move to a house, not in Germany anymore but maybe to the United States

And since Kate and Gustav are starting to build their family, they were also planning to move with us.

After a while of driving, Tom parked the car in a parking lot where lots of cars were parked next to the sea.

I was confused about where we were until he walked out of the car first and opened the door for me again

he helped me walk out and then my eyes immediately landed on the Ferris wheel

The giant rollercoaster and rides behind the gate, my jaw dropped to the floor when I realized he took me out in an Amusement Park

Tom faced me and stretched the back of his neck

" I was gonna take you out for dinner tonight. But I thought that maybe we could go out somewhere else together, as newlywed couples " He explains and I can't help to fight the large smile from spreading across my face

" I don't know if you like amusement parks, but- "

I cut him off by holding his hand and dragged him with me to the entrance. I giggled, my eyes lit up when we got nearer to the entrance when I saw the huge rides

the food, and the prize stand, it was night but there was a large crowd at the park

I felt my inner child get very excited so I immediately bought us two tickets and ran inside the park with Tom.

I gasped as my eyes roamed around the large place

" Happy two weeks, pretty girl "

I heard Tom's soft voice said. I looked at him and he started at me with adoreness in his eyes with a smile on his face, I wrapped my arms behind his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss

He placed his both hands on my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I pulled away and placed my forehead on his

" you're the best thing that ever happened in my life, Tom " I whispered, feeling my cheeks turn rosy pink

he chuckled and picked up my both hands, placing a gently kiss on my knuckles

" And I'll always keep my promise to you " He added making my smile grow larger

Our fun began when Tom bought me a large pig cotton candy, I giggled at its cuteness and took a piece of the sugar before starting to eat it the entire time we walked together inside the park.

Even I wasn't holding his hand

I can still feel his hand on my elbow.

Not wanting for me to be away from his side

We look around the place and start to look for a ride we want to go on. The first was the high rollercoaster, I was not sure if I wanted to do this since I was afraid of heights but Tom kept laughing and reassuring me that it was going to be fun

When I felt the seat begin moving, my nervousness grew as the ride immediately got speed, when we reached the top. I kept screaming at the top of my lungs, scared

While Tom on the other hand kept laughing and whistling. When the seat dropped in the air, I shut my eyes so right while the breezy air blew my hair back. I screamed until my vocal cords were ruined

By the time we got off the rollercoaster, my jelly legs almost made me da to the ground, luckily Tom immediately wrapped his arms around me and caught me.

It took me a few minutes before I could get my system back to normal, so we ate snacks and Tom began playing games on the stand

I was looking around the other stand and my eyes landed on the large unicorn stuff toy on the play game stand.

" hey "

But I cast my eyes off from the unicorn and look beside me to see Tom staring down at me as he places his arm around my waist

" I'm feeling a little bit hungry again, I'll just gonna buy some don't over there, you want some? "

I bought two strawberry donuts for me and Tom. A small moan escaped my lips when realizing how fluffy and sweet the donut was when I came back to where I left Tom. I froze in my spot

He held the large unicorn stuff toy in arm and a bouquet of tulips in his other hand...

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