chapter 11

395 11 6



" mama! Mama! "

I turned around to see my twins running to me, a big smile spread across my face as I kneeled on the ground and caught them in my arms.

I hugged my twins tightly and placed kisses on their foreheads

Tommy and Billy pulled away from my embrace but I noticed the frown on their faces that made me furrow my eyebrow in confusion

" how's your first day at school, hm? " I asked, trying to cheer their mood up as I helped them remove their backpacks and place them down on the kitchen counter

"Mama... Why are you marrying another man, that is not our daddy? "

Their words made me stop in my tracks. I took a deep breath and faced my twins

feeling my hand begin shaking as I didn't know how to explain the situation right now to the twins

" mama please, we don't want to see you and Daddy sad. Me and Billy are sad when we'll see you marry another man " Tommy spoke as I felt a tear roll down my cheeks as I stared at my twins.

Billy looked at his brother and nodded his head

He took a step forward and held my hand.

" Tommy's right mama. We want you and Daddy to be happy together so we'll be happy too. Mama, we don't want to see our parents being apart from each other. "

I gasped loudly and sat up from the tub, my entire body trembling as I looked around the place, to see that I was inside the bathroom, sitting in the tub filled with water.

My shaking hands went up to my wet, soaking hair as I realized I'd been in the water for a long time I realized

Billy and Tommy's words keep swirling in my head.

I didn't know what to say to them, and it broke my heart that the twins knew what was happening to me and Tom. They didn't want their parents to be apart

I hugged my body and cried silently. I was missing the twins so much, and all I wanted for them was to be happy.


When I walked out of Derek's room, I closed the door behind me and headed downstairs, it was already night and the house was cold...

But I heard stuff clinking inside the kitchen, smelling the aroma of food that was coming inside the room

I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion who could it be? I walked to the kitchen, thinking it was Derek

But it was Tom, cooking dinner for the both of us. When he noticed that I was now here, a smile spread across his face when he saw me

" I'm making you a traditional German dinner, I hope you'll like it," He says softly and I can't help but not smile back at him.

I walked inside the kitchen and looked at the food he was cooking on the stove

"When did you start learning to cook? " I asked. Not remember that Tom could cook during those times when we lived together in our apartment here in Germany.

" after you left. I uh- started learning to cook years ago, so maybe someday if we live together again, you won't have to cook for us, but instead, it'll be me, taking care of you and making sure you'll be well fed " Tom explained. His words made my heart swell with happiness

I walked beside him and took a silver spoon from the drawer, tasting the sauce he was cooking and I was impressed that it was tasty, the flavors were more amazing than I thought. I look up and smile

The both of us suspended our time inside the kitchen, Tom and I talked but also laughed the entire time.

I forgot when was the last moment I experienced this happiness again. Probably the last time I was in Bora-Bora with him

Part of me realized that Tom was the only person who could give me this type of happiness that no one else could make me feel.

Because after all this time, he knows how to make me smile. The real smile

The two of us sat together on the kitchen stool, eating dinner together in simple surroundings.

I laughed as he told me stories. Ignoring the mess in the kitchen, the dishwasher is stacked in the sink as I eat the meal. Not caring about a single thing that was a mess

" We can eat here, I don't mind about- "

" no darling, the kitchen is a mess, it's dirty and I'm sure it's gonna make you uncomfortable. Now come " Derek explains and sends me a smile as I watch him walk inside the dining room, I sigh and follow him

To see that he prepared the dining room to look elegant and mean as best as he could. But he didn't realize I was getting tired of it

I wanted to live simply like I used to have before, but now that I'm with Derek. It's just different

" let me help you with that " I spoke and grabbed the sponge

I took the pan and started stunning the debris off as Tom shook his head

" no, I can handle all of this. You go there and sit " He says as I can't help but not to laugh and shake my head

" you cooked dinner for me, so I guess I'll have to repay you by helping you clean the mess you made in the kitchen," I said in a joking way that made Tom let out a gasp as I laughed loudly at his reaction

" so you're telling me that I'm a messy person? " He asks and I continue laughing at him

which makes Tom laugh also.

" Darling... "

But then I immediately looked up when hearing Derek's voice to see that he was standing in the doorway with a small scowl on his face when seeing me and Tom together.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced a smile in my face

I missed those time where Adeline and Tom are both happy together🥺

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