chapter 13

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I smiled as I looked at the camera, seeing Tom's smile behind the camera he was holding in his face, the white flash came, and I chuckled.

" perfect," He said and looked down at a picture of me in the digital camera he just bought earlier in a store.

And since then, he hasn't stopped taking pictures of me wherever we go

Even though he was walking behind me, I could still hear him clicking the camera to take a picture of me. I look behind and admire the beach we are currently in.

Suddenly I had the adrenaline to go somewhere, I smiled and ran away

"Hey! Where are you going? " I heard Tom shout and follow me. I removed the heels I was wearing and let the sand touch my bare foot, Tom laughed as the strong wind blew my hair

I ran to the water as the waves crashed together, the cold water wetting my feet, and I was glad I wore a dress rather than wearing pants today. I laughed and danced around the water

" It's been a long time since I experienced something like this, Tom... Derek always wanted me to stay inside our house " I explained

Tom stared at me, but I kept smiling. He put our stuff down on the sand as he joined me in the water. I laughed as he picked my hands up and danced with me

No one was around the beach than us. And I wish I could express how happy I was at this moment with Tom. I was smiling the entire time and my face never got tired of it.

We both ran to the shore together as the water continued to crash into our bare feet. I screamed when I felt his both strong arms wrap around my waist as he lifted me into the air

" put me down, you idiot! " I shouted through my laughter


It should be Derek who was here. But he decided to put his business first rather than spending time with me

I didn't know why but these past few days, something was just off about him.

I was wearing simple but comfortable clothes, pairing them with slippers while my hair was simply tied. I walked out of the cabin to find Tom, and it wasn't hard to find him

I smiled and saw he was sitting on a large wooden log, near the fire as he was playing a guitar in his hand, I slowly walked closer and decided to sit beside him.

the moon was bright up in the night sky, with billions of shining stars beneath us. I took a breath, as Ton looked up at me and smiled

" thank you for making me feel alive again... " I said softly and placed my head on his shoulder

starting at the burning fire near us with a small smile on my face.

Tom put his guitar down and grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around my shoulder as his arm wrapped around me

" my life has been filled with luxury after I met Derek... I stopped experiencing this simple thing that made me happy because he always wants the best for me " I begin

" he doesn't understand what I really  like " I continued and Tom was silent as the both of us stared at the fire.

" I'm still sorry about what happened, Adeline. I'm really am " Tom's soft voice apologized but I shook my head

" shh. It's the past Tom, I understand... It's not your fault, because it will never be " I said.

He then looks down at me, his hand softly cupping my cheek making me look up to meet his gaze

I smiled as we both stared at each other. I slowly pulled my face closer to his until I met his lips, this time it was softer, our tongues gently fighting each other as I didn't pull away.

The kiss continues, feeling a single tear rolled down my cheek. My heart screams his name, my arms longing for his embrace.

I placed my forehead on his while keeping my eyes shut, I could still his lips in mine even tho were already part away

"My only wish is that you're the man I'll see on the altar... Tom " I whispered


I stood outside the front door and placed the key inside my bag, I turned to Tom who was watching me while standing behind his black sports car, with a simple on his face

I waved my hand at him and he pulled out his hand from his pocket to wave back at me, I entered the house and locked the door. Taking a deep breath as I heard his car drive away.

I removed my heels and placed them down on the floor, taking off my earrings and necklace to release the heavy height It had. But furrowed my eyebrow when I saw a light inside the living room

The house was silent and suddenly I felt a shiver run down my spine as I slowly walked to the living room. Seeing who was inside made me stop in my tracks

I went pale to see the man sitting on the couch, looking back at me with those cold eyes of his

" A-Alexander "

He smirks. Placing down the glass of alcohol at the coffee table and standing from the chair, I took a step back.

" sister... It's been a long time since we last saw each other, am I right? " His thick Russian voice spoke. I was too scared to think about anything or run away from him.

" what are you doing here? " I asked, holding my bag in my hand tightly as he let out a chuckle

" what? Can't I just see my sister? " Alexander responded and opened his arms. I thought his been in jail all this time

" what are you doing here " I repeated, this time I was gritting my teeth while I started at him. The smirk on his face fell and he rolled his eyes

" in here because Mom and Dad told me to "



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