The Brothers That Care Forgot Part One

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The next day, Annabeth, Kiara, Klaus, Kol and Elijah were having breakfast in the dining room with Alabaster and Vincent/Finn, who were still bound with the enchanted manacles that prevent them from doing magic. Compelled servants in suits place platters of breakfast pastries on the table.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots

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Kiara was wearing a green top with a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a green top with a jean and some boots

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"Today, a new future awaits. Forget your animosity toward Elijah and myself. Instead, join us against she who truly deserves your ire, our mother. Do this, and we will welcome you with open arms!" Kol said.

Alabaster rolled his eyes.

"Do this, and we will welcome you with open arms!" Klaus added.

"Well..." Alabaster started.

He reaches for a plate of pastries with his shackled hands, but Klaus pulls it out of his way. Alabaster sighed and rolled his eyes again.

"But, if you continue to oppose us, a denial of pastries will be the least of your concerns." Klaus smiled.

"Can't help you. Esther is a great ally. She will help me with my revenge on the Circle. And if she can't, I will find other allies. It will never be over. But if you want allies, may I recommend not to save them a night shackled to the wall."Alabaster says.

"Yes, this was Kol and Niklaus. My recommendation was to remove your limbs, one by one, until you comply."Elijah stated.

"We've...we've no desire to torture you." Klaus laughed and stands up with Kol.

The Original twin brothers stands behind Alabaster and Finn and squeezes their shoulders with his hands.

"Provided you vow to stand beside us as brothers." Kol added.

Finn rolled his eyes, while shrugging Klaus grip and looked at both Klaus and Kol sceptically before he said "Brothers... Does that word even apply to us? After all these centuries of betrayal? And, has loyalty to you ever rewarded? If so, tell me, Niklaus, Kol, where is our sister, Rebekah? She was blindly loyal to you for a thousand years, and now? Nowhere to be found. Where did our sister go? And, how did she escape your vile machinations?"

"You think of us vile? What, then, do you make of the one who cursed us?" Kol laughed.

"She was trying to make you mortal again!" Finn frowned.

Elijah grabs a knife off the table, clearly suspicious and annoyed by Finn's words.

"And the three of you refused you. It only proves how far you've fallen. But, I expect Rebekah will have a different response to her proposal. See, unlike the three of you, she always did cling to her humanity." Finn continued, laughing darkly.

"Rebekah is off-limits to you. You pursue her, and you will suffer." Elijah abruptly yelled out angrily.

"And it's good thing Rebekah is not alone then and that she's with my brother, who will kill anyone who dare to hurt her."Kiara smirked.

"Do not let him goad you, Elijah. Neither he, nor Esther, will find Rebekah unless she wants to be found. And she does not want." Klaus said to Elijah.

"Esther is quite determined. She's been searching for Rebekah since the day she returned. I imagine it's only a matter of time."Finn smirked.

Elijah completely loses his temper, grabs Finn by the collar, and slams him onto the table before vamping-out and feeding on him, but Kiara push him off as she said to Finn "Even if your mother was to find Nico and Rebekah, she's not strong enough to fight my father who would do anything to make sure Esther do not find Rebekah."

Afterwards, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Annabeth and Kiara went to talk to another room as Klaus scolded Elijah, saying "I enjoy a good bloodletting as much as anyone, but our brother has power, as well as knowledge of Esther's plans."

"The shackles on Alabaster won't last. He's very powerful."Annabeth pointed out.

Elijah wipes the blood off his face while he listens.

"We need Finn alive." Kol said.

"Imagine what they would do to Rebekah. To Wyatt, Bianca, Theo and Hope." Elijah stated.

"Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic. Focus on the task at hand." Kiara said.

"We need to persuade our brother." Kol told Elijah.

"I'm through with persuasion." Elijah said as he was about to leave, but Klaus grabs him by the shoulder and stops him before looking at him with concern and asked "Has the earth shifted on its axis? You needing restraint from us?"

Suddenly, Kiara's phone rang and she answered it, seeing it was Rebekah as Rebekah said"It's me. I'm with Nico and your parents. We have the babies...and we're on the run. We're safe, for now. We've lost her bloody starlings, but we have no idea where to go."

"Tell her to head west. I'll call Hayley." Klaus says.

"Do not tell Hayley! Esther's too smart for that. The only advantage that we have is that she thinks the babies died. Text me the plans."Rebekah lectured.

Kiara hang up.

"I'll go." Kiara said.

"Let me come with you." Elijah told her.

"You can't go alone. Esther want you dead." Kol stated.

"She won't. You, and the girls and I will go." Will says, walking into the room.

They nodded in agreement.

Kiara, Annabeth, Kol and Will left the compound.

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