Ashes To Ashes

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The next day, Klaus is in the dining room, where he has one of his compelled humans bleeding from his wrist into glasses for the vampires to drink when Rebekah, Kol, Kiara and Annabeth joined him.

Kiara was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots

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Annabeth was wearing a sweater with a jean and some boots.

Annabeth was wearing a sweater with a jean and some boots

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"The spoils of war, eh?" Rebekah asked.

"A family tradition!" Klaus said.

"Minus the family."Rebekah says.

"Well, you are here and so am I and Kiara and Annabeth." Kol smiled.

"In the skin of your choosing, no less." Rebekah stated.

"Well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship. Meanwhile, the rest of the family enjoys the fruits of my labor. Freya has her freedom from Dahlia, and Marcel will forgive me once I hand him back the reins of the city. I was done with it anyway. " Klaus said to his sister, rolling his eyes.

"You would hand over your crown? And do what?" Rebekah asked skeptically.

"Raise our children with their mothers by our sides and my sisters." Klaus smiled.

"One, big, happy family." Kol added.

"Now, that does sound grand... minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst you do that, what Hayley be exactly?" Rebekah asked.

"Rotting, feeling the pain of her pack being trapped in their wolves forms. What she deserved. The mercy we showed us is that unlike the rest of her pack, she won't turned into wolf, she can do her life."Kiara told her.

"But I don't think I want to see her for awhile. She broke my trust. She went too far."Annabeth agreed.

"This is not what happiness looks like." Rebekah told them.

"I'm sorry but if you forgot, she hurt Will and that, we can never forgive and never forgive that she was going to take our children to raise as her own! So she can rot, for all I care." Kiara stated.

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