Bag Of Cobras Part Two

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The party was soon over after Elijah killed that man. According to Klaus, he was one of the Hollow's followers. Kiara made her way towards Elijah's study, feeling his presence inside. She stopped in the doorway, seeing him stood by the desk.

She crossed her arms, moving forward as she says "That was a hell of a show you put on tonight, Elijah."

"I assume there will be no thank you from you either? Vincent was displeased too. I thought it would help from an alliance, it seems it had the opposite effect."Elijah stated.

"Well, you did just kill a man in front of everyone at the party. Clearly Klaus and Kol speeches went in one ear and out the other? Making alliances. Not killing."Kiara pointed out.

Elijah moved towards her in a frustrated manner as he scoffed "I am not Bianca and Wyatt, Kiara. So do not talk to me like I am."

Kiara frowned in anger "Everything we are doing is because of the children. I am not talking to you like a child, I am telling you not to publicly kill everyone so stories can go around for them to hear."

"I did this so Klaus and Kol didn't have to. Because I do not wish for my nieces and nephew to see, or even think of their father as a murderous monster."Elijah almost yelled.

"So, what? You want them to think of their uncle and Hope to think of her father like that instead? I get it, you had to kill that guy, but the next time do it where nobody can see. It's all I ask."Kiara says.

Elijah hesitated, avoiding eye contact for a moment before responding "Fine. I apologise."

Kiara nodded before heading out of the room. She headed down into the courtyard after Rebekah call back and said Nico would come soon to help.

"Did you retrieve all of the weapons?" Elijah asked Klaus as Kiara reached the last step.

"Well, I don't know. Let's confirm with Dominic, shall we? Oh, wait, we can't. His corpse is currently burning in a dumpster."Kol yelled.

Klaus added "We tried to avoid bloodshed, you become the town executioner."

"Let me handle this."Elijah replied.

"And why exactly should we do that?" Kol asked.

"The children."Elijah replied.

" You see, it's precisely because of them that we have to assert our involvement. So, brother... Tell us what you know." Klaus demanded.

Elijah grabbed his glass before he said "This thing wants to be reborn. This morning, Vincent said that whenever it resurfaces, it does so in four distinct locations. I can't tell why."

"It's looking for something. Four things, by the sound of it. And I'm pretty sure that I have one of them. My parents and Jack's dad were killed protecting this from one of the Hollow's followers."Hayley said, entering the courtyard. She held up something, it was a bone.

"Bones. It got to be bones. We've seen this time and time again. When a witch wishes to be reborn, its remains are required to complete the spell."Kiara told them, causing them to look at her.

"You've just found a piece of our enemy."Gia stated.

"Lucky me. Who has the other three?"Hayley asked.

"Dominic. Dominic said that he had found something here."Elijah suddenly said.

"What? There's just, like, a bag of bones laying around that I didn't know about?"Annabeth joked.

"No. But there is one."Klaus replied. He began to head towads the stairs and they all quickly followed him. He made his way into his study and towards his safe.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Kiara asked.

"The Tunde's blade."Klaus replied as he quickly opened the safe, the inside was empty. He faced them, an angry expression on his face before he said "Dominic's death was a distraction."

"They used our own deception against us."Kol says.

"This thing has followers everywhere. They've infiltrated the entire city. If they get to the other bones before we do..."Hayley told them.

"Then they may well try to raise this monstrosity. And it will come for us all."Klaus added. They all excahnged worried glances, not really knowing what to do.

Some time later, Kiara looked into the mirror, staring at her reflection. Klaus walked in and said "You all right?"

"This whole Hollow thing... It's just..."Kiara trailed.

"It will end it. I will ensure it. That's not all that's bothering you, is it?" Klaus replied.

Kiara sighed again, facing him "I saw you... dancing with that girl."

"Who? Sofya?" Klaus asked.

"Ah, she has a name."Kiara replied, pressing her lips thinly together.

Klaus walked closer and said "Please tell me you're not jealous? Macy. You can't seriously be jealou..."

Kiara cut him off "Yes, okay, I am."

"Why?" Klaus questioned, seeming confused.

"Because sometimes I am insecured and don't want to lose you. Maybe it was the heat of the moment. And then I see you with her and... I don't know, maybe I'm just being selfish. Or maybe I feel like in those five years, yoy've realised I'm not what you want. I mean, we're immortal, why would you want to spend the rest of your life with me..."Kiara trailed.

Klaus grabbed either side of Kiara's arms, making Kiara stopped talking and focusing on him.

"Hey. Listen to me. Sofya is close to Marcel and she has a weapon that could kill this family, I was bargaining with her. That's all." Klaus told her before he added "And I married you. Because I knew in a thousand of years there was only one woman I wanted to spent the rest of my life with and that woman is you. You don't need to be jealous or envious because you are the only woman I will ever love. Well besides Bianca."

Kiara broke into a small laugh, smiling up at him "I'm sorry. I'm just being stupid."

He narrowed his eyes as he smirked and nodded "Hm...yes, you are."

She let out another laugh, her eyes closing as she did. Not even a second later, she felt his lips against her mouth. Her expression softened and she pushed back with a strong force, kissing him harder.

His hands held onto her waist, pulling her body clser to his, although it seemed impossible. The feeling of electricity that ran through her body was at its highest, and it was a feeling Kiara never wanted to die out. It didn't take much time for the husband and wife to end up having sex and spending the rest of the night with sounds of moanings and pleasures.

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