There in the Disappearing Light Part Two

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In New Orleans, the others made a plan to Hope to get better. She would kill all the Greta's followers using her magic which would save Hope and avenge Josh's death and save the city from those followers. The plan was simple: Antoinette gathers all of the vampires who followed her mother inside the church for Hope to wreck havoc, to release her magic on them. It scared her, frightened her even that she will be realing all this magic to kill vampires who are worth less than dirt. Yes, they are already dead and have lived for many years, but deep down she was still scared.

"Do not fear this, angel."Kol told his niece.

"You're only helping by ridding this city of parasites."Klaus added.

"I'm dcared. The thought of killing people scares me because... it's nothing I haven't done before."Hope admitted.

"They're already dead, sweetheart. You're making sure it is permanent."Klaus told her.

"And you won't do it alone, I will do it with you."Kol said.

Klaus agree for Kol to help Hope.

"Now, Greta died in the name of purity, and thanks to the unwavering conviction of her followers, particularly those of you who chose to lead when she was gone, her message lives on. So now, for those who stood by her, you will share her fate."Elijah spoke to the crowd of vampires while at the entrance, Klaus locked the door to keep them from trying to leave with Finn and Cami.

Klaus, Finn and Cami stands behind the door that is between them with Hope and Kol by their sides. Klaus glanced at Hope who stared at the door, her hand shaking slightly. This is the right thing to do, Hope thinks to herself.

All of the vampires gasp at the bomb that was dropped and turn around at the sound of doors opening. They turn around to see Klaus, Finn, Cami and Kol and Hope enter the room.

"What are they doing here?"Emmett asked, turning to look at Elijah and Antoinette.

"The road to redemption is long and winding, but worthy."Elijah said.

Emmett looked at the bag filled with Marcel's venom and towards it, but he wasn't fast enough. Hope used her magic to throw the bag at the wall and brzak each of the vials that held the venom, leaving none left.

"You betrayed us."Emmett said with a glare.

"We told you what my mother thought." Antoinette pointed out the obvious.

"And we never said we agreed."Elijah says with the corner of his lip raised slightly.

"You can leave them to us now."Finn told his brother, watching as he and Antoinette leave the cuhurch. While the vampires mutter in shock and fear, Marcel speeds inside the church with a look of hatred towards the vampires and said "I'm going to enjoy this."

"Go on, sweetheart, let it all out."Klaus said, approaching Hope.

Hope stepped closer to the vampires who cower at the sight of the tribrid they loathed and now feel powerless at her presence. She takes a deep breath and looked to her side where Kol joined her. Kol takes his niece's left hand into his own and gives her a nod. Hope faces the vampires again, her soft eyes were glowing while her hands glow a bright red building up her power and siphoning her uncle's magic.

She unleased powerful magic while letting a piercing scream, gripping her uncle's hand and watching the vampires stumble on their feet with blood pouring from their eyes. The magic kills the room of vampires with a lethal pain infliction.

Hope calm down once she knows they're all dead, that overwhelming feeling lifting from her shoulders. She's now at ease and the problematic vampires are taken care of.

Hope slowly dropped Kol's hand and walked towards the bodies on the floor, trying to see if any of them move an inch or let out a breath, but there was nothing.

"Are they all dead?"Hope quietly asked.

"Immortality isn't for everyone. You should consider what you did an act of public service."Kol sighed.

"Hey, kiddo, you okay?"Marcel asked her.

"Yeah, I feel better."Hope admitted.

"Marcel, why don't you and Josh gather up some vampires, get them to clean up this mess before anyone gets wise. What is it?" Klaus suggested.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?"Marcel quietly muttered and Klaus slowly nodded, not wanting to push to explain right away.

Marcel gives him a small nod before leaving the church without saying nothing else. Finn and Cami left too.

"I think it all I needed for my magic to stop being out of control. I am me again."Hope said.

A groan erupts from upstairs and the three freeze in their place at the noise. They all quickly run upstairs where the noise had came from only to see Declan in a horrible condition leaning against a filing cabinet.

"Oh, my God, Declan. Is he gonna live?"Hope gasped and covered her mouth.

"We'll take care of it. Get out of here." Kol told her as he and Klaus walked towards the man and crouches in front of him.

"Uncles?" Hope takes a step inside to argue.

"Now!"Klaus raised his voice.

Hope sighed and get out, to leave her uncle to deal with Declan's condition.

Later on, when the girls and the children came back, they were back with Sally, Paul and Estelle. And in the compound, everyone explained everything and Klaus and Kol told them Hope had triggered her curse. That Declan was fine, however the man who was with Declan had died.

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